英语作文 节约用钱的好处



In the next issue of last year, shortly after school started, I cleaned out the 60 yuan in the piggy bank, bought toys and snacks, and didn't consider whether it was used correctly.


But soon, the teacher asked us to buy compasses, only to find that there was not a penny left in my piggy bank, and it suddenly occurred to me that the reason why there was no money was because I had been extravagant and spent money that was unnecessary.


If I don't spend the money, but save it, then when I need it, I can take it out and be prepared. Isn't that the advantage of saving money?


From then on, I understand that money is for use, but it must be used where it needs to be spent. As the old saying goes, save one horse a day and one horse a year. Diligence and thrift are the essence of working people.


第1个回答  2013-10-17
First of all , it is, obviously,saving is of great importance habits for us to improve the quality of our life.What's more,saving can do us a favor when we are need money in accident ,which is necessary to our daily life. Last but not least,not only do saving bring money but aslo happness to me for when 1 dollar being saved i feel i have made great progress. 仅供参考哦 光写了好处那一段本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2013-10-17