美女与野兽歌词的中文意思拜托了各位 谢谢

美女与野兽这首歌很好听 可是是英文,不知道啥意思 谁能翻译,告诉我是嘛意思 我要中文的,详细点

Tale as old as time True as it can be Barely even friends Than somebody bends Unexpectedly Just a little change Small, to say the least Both a little scared Neither one prepared Beauty and the Beast Ever just the same Ever a surprise Ever as before Ever just as sure As the sun will arise Tale as old as time Tune as old as song Bittersweet and strange Finding you can change Learning you were wrong Certain as the sun Rising in the east Tale as old as time Song as old as rhyme Beauty and the beast. 古老的传说,如梦似真,如此深情,天上尽有,世间少见.些微的转变,微妙的改变,忐忑不安,暧昧不明,美女与野兽.独一无二,无法想像,未曾有过,但却明明白白,如初升的朝阳.古老的传说,美丽的歌谣,个中滋味,各自体会,出人意表.如初升的朝阳,闪耀东方,古老的传说,美丽的歌谣,美女与野兽.古老的传说,美丽的歌谣,美女与野兽.