in order to和so as to的区别


in order to和so as to的区别如下所示。

1. 释义区别:

- "in order to"的意思是为了达到某个目的或目标。

- "so as to"的意思也是为了达到某个目的或目标。


- She studied hard in order to pass the exam. (她努力学习是为了通过考试。)

- He woke up early so as to catch the first train. (他早起是为了赶上第一班火车。)

2. 用法区别:

- "in order to"是英语中更常见的表达方式,表示目的或目标。

- "so as to"与"in order to"用法相似,表示目的或目标,但在口语中使用较少。


- He is learning Spanish in order to travel to South America. (他正在学习西班牙语,以便前往南美洲旅行。)

- They are saving money so as to buy a new car. (他们正在存钱,为了购买一辆新车。)

3. 使用环境区别:

- "in order to"和"so as to"可以在各种情境中使用,描述为了达到特定目的而采取的行动。


- She is working hard in order to get a promotion. (为了获得晋升,她正在努力工作。)

- He exercises regularly so as to stay fit and healthy. (他定期锻炼,以保持健康。)

4. 形象区别:

- "in order to"和"so as to"在形象上没有明显区别,都是直接表达目的或目标。


- They arrived early in order to secure good seats for the concert. (为了确保取得好的座位,他们早早到达了。)

- He practices playing the piano every day so as to improve his skills. (他每天练习弹钢琴,以提高他的技能。)

5. 影响范围区别:

- "in order to"和"so as to"可以用于各个语境中,都指向达成某个目的或目标的动作或行为。


- She is learning a new language in order to expand her career opportunities. (她正在学习一门新语言,以扩大她的职业机会。)

- They are saving money so as to travel around the world. (他们正在存钱,以便环游世界。)

第1个回答  2023-07-25

首先我们来看下in order to和so as to的大致意思:

in order to:词性为短语,in order to是一个连词短语,由介词in、名词order和不定式to构成。该短语用于引导一个目的状语从句,表示某个行动或目标是为了实现另一个行动或目标。

so as to:词性为短语,so as to是一个连词短语,由副词so、介词as和不定式to构成。该短语用于引导一个目的状语从句,表示某个行动或目标是为了实现另一个行动或目标。

通过下面的表格我们了解下in order to和so as to的含义、发音和用法

接下来让我们看下in order to和so as to的用法区别:

1.词性:in order to是一个由介词、名词和不定式构成的短语,而so as to是一个由副词、介词和不定式构成的短语。


- He wakes up early every day in order to achieve good grades in the exams.


- He wakes up early every day so as to achieve good grades in the exams.


2.语气:in order to有时候带有一种更强烈的目的或目标感,而so as to相对更加平缓。


- I will study hard in order to pass the exam.


- I will study hard so as to pass the exam.


3.顺序:in order to有时候强调前后两个行动的顺序关系,而so as to则相对来说不强调顺序关系。


- I need to finish the homework first in order to attend the party.


- I need to finish the homework first so as to attend the party.


第2个回答  2021-06-05

in order to和so as to的区别为:


1、in order to:为了,以便。

2、so as to:为使...


1、in order to:只引导目的状语,可以置于句首或句末。

2、so as to:。so as to只能置于句末,可以与in order to互换,但表示“以致于”,即引导结果状语时,则不能互换。


1、in order to:in order to的意思是“以…为目的”,在句中作状语,后接动词原形;而in order that的意思是“以便”“以至于”,在句中引导状语从句

2、so as to:so...as结构则多用于书面语,侧重“像…那样”。

第3个回答  2023-07-15

又到了为小伙伴们解惑的时候了✺◟(∗❛ัᴗ❛ั∗)◞✺,in order to 前面可以没有句子,即独立使用;而 so as to 通常需要一个前置句子或词组。这里就给大家总结了一个它们基础知识的表格,可以先简单了解一下先:

了解完in order to和so as to的基础知识后,现在就来看看它们的具体区别ლ(・∀・ )ლ


in order to 通常放在首部作为开端;so as to 通常则可以放在句首或句中作为连接成分。


①In order to improve his English, he read widely. 为了提高他的英语,他广泛地阅读。

②He read books widely, so as to improve his English. 他广泛地阅读书籍,以便提高他的英语。


in order to 前面可以没有句子,即独立使用;而 so as to 通常需要一个前置句子或词组。


①In order to succeed, hard work is necessary. 为了成功,必须努力。

②He works from early morning until late at night, so as to succeed. 他从早工作到晚,以便成功。


通常情况下,in order to 的语气比 so as to 要稍微重一些,更多用于强调动机或目的。


①In order to win the competition, the team practiced every day. 为了赢得比赛,团队每天都在练习。

②The team practiced every day so as to win the competition. 为了赢得比赛,团队每天都在练习。

第4个回答  2023-07-18
"in order to" 和 "so as to" 都是英语中表示目的的短语。
- "In order to" 是一个更正式、更书面的短语,常用于正式文档、学术写作或更正式的口语场合中。它强调为了实现某一目的而采取的行动。
- "So as to" 是一个更口语化、更日常的表达方式,常用于非正式的口语交流。它也表示为了实现某一目的而采取的行动,但更加强调目的本身。
- "I study hard in order to pass the exam."(我努力学习为了通过考试。)——更正式的表达方式。
- "I study hard so as to pass the exam."(我努力学习以便通过考试。)——更口语化的表达方式。
总之,"in order to" 和 "so as to" 的基本意思和使用场合相似,只是在正式程度和语气上有细微的差别。