In the hospital at the hospital in the same schoo

In the hospital at the hospital in the same schooIn the hospital at the hospital
in the same school at the same school外研版英语里怎么这两种都有,到底是in 还是at

home hospital school church这几个词前面平时一般不加the,意思是强调本身的功能,如at home(在家休息)in hospital(住院)in school(在上学)go to church(去教堂做礼拜),如果前面加个the ,意思是强调这个地点,如in the hospital(在医院,或者玩,或者看望病人)in the school也一样,不强调上学这个功能,而是指在学校这个地方,也许是在玩。go to the church指去教堂玩,强调教堂