


  World Expo, make shanghai more beautiful
  Although the 2010 shanghai World Exhibition or Exposition has come to an end several days ago,it left a impressive memory in our
  mind ,also left many beautiful changes in shanghai.
  The most obivious change is that the traffic has many improvements due to the World Expo,there exists more subways and more
  overpasses,also more roads and more bus,all of these contribute to the convenience of shanghai at present.
  The seconnd one is that the civilian in shanghai are more warm-hearted and confident,they are so pride of having been the host of such a significant event in the world .Now they are more passinate in paticipating their daily work to make their hometown more beautiful.
  The last result is that almost everyone around the world know more about a city in China named shanghai ,and many of them want travell or invest in the beautiful and modern city.
  City,make life more beautiful.World Expo,make Shanghai more beautiful.
第1个回答  2010-11-26
A more colorful shanghai
As we all know,the 2010 World EXPO had come to an end days ago.However the influence it gave shanghai doesn't end.As an internatiaonal city,shanghai now attracts more and more foreigners.They come to shanghai to travel so that the tourism benefit a lot.They establish companies in shanghai which promotes the economy in shanghai.Also,the streets become cleaner after EXPO.l believe,Shanghai will be more and more colorful in the future.

第2个回答  2010-11-27