

对白:小 狗:“汪汪汪……”


对白:伯 父:“大伙都过来一下。”
胖 墩:“啊,桥这样窄,又是软的,提这么重的两桶水怎么可能过得去呀!”
喜 旺:“这么危险,我可不敢做。”
小 丫:“伯伯是不想给我们礼物吧,提两桶水会把桥压到水下,哪能过得去呀!”


对白:小 丫:“嗯?”
喜 旺:“快看,伯父,文长哥哥都被吓跑了,你就把礼物给我们吧!”
胖 墩:“这个问题太难了,伯父。”
小 丫:“连文长都没有办法了,伯父,你看啊!”


对白:胖 墩:“奥,奥,过去了,哈哈……”
喜 旺:“呵呵,奥~奥,过去了,呵呵。”
小 丫:“奥,过去啦……过去啦……”


对白:胖 墩:“伯父,快点啊!”
伯 父:“呵呵,来了!”


对白:伯 父:“你真聪明,这个礼物是你的了,不过你必须按照我所说的要求拿礼物。”


对白:胖 墩:“文长,不用担心,我来帮你。”
喜 旺:“谁能跳那么高?不行,不行!”
小 丫:“这些取礼物的方法都不能用,怎能把礼物取下来?”



对白:小 丫:“文长真棒!呵呵。”
喜 旺:“你真是好样的!呵呵。”
胖 墩:“呵呵,太好了!”


对白:伯 父:“不愧是个聪明的孩子”。


Narrator: in south song dynasty, a famous wit, XuWenChang name when they are very young, he thinks, quick-minded people, work often expose surplus of wisdom, and his uncle like him very much.
Dialogue: small dog: "an auf..." Narrator: once... Puppy: "(an auf..."; the sound; dog sneezing, His uncle is always love to see him, to test him, and took him to the river, a group of partners, and also along the river on a narrow and soft ZhuQiao, deck closer to the surface. Dialogue: "father:" everyone come here." "Here are two buckets, if you there who can carry the two bucket filled with water, and I will go to him this gift." Fat pier: "ah, bridge, and so narrow soft, so heavy two barrels of water could pass!" Xi wang: "so dangerous, I can't do." Small ya: "uncle is not to our present, two buckets of water will be the bridge into the water, which can be ok!"
Narrator: at this time, see XuWenChang ran away. Small white: ya: "HMM?" Xi wang: "look, uncle that brother were away, and put your gift to us!" This question: "fat pier uncle." too hard. Small ya: "no longer even wen way, uncle, you see!" "You gave gifts to us!" Narrator: before long, XuWenChang took two rope ran back, he stopped understanding laugh, slowly off shoes, with two rope tied the bucket, and then put two filled the bucket on the water, step by step, safe and smooth walked across the river. Dialogue: "fat pier: past, and, haha..." Xi wang: "ha ha, ~, the past, ha ha." Small ya: "oh, past... past......" "Look, uncle, long past! Ha ha!"
Narrator: friends to cheer, XuWenChang again slowly. Surrounded by a group of people went home, uncle re-entered the house. Dialogue: fat pier: "uncle, hurry up!" "The father:" ah, come!" Narrator: see uncle from inside out a long bamboo pole, and on the other side of the bamboo tie with gifts. Dialogue: "father:" you are clever, this gift is for you, but you must follow what I call the requirements and gift." "You can't stand in the chair, also cannot take it down to take, bamboo can break it." Dialogue: uncle puts forward to the present, the next and the guys baffled: Dialogue: "fat pier: long, don't worry, I'll help you." "Jump. Ha ha." Xi wang: "who can jump high? No, no!" Small ya: "take these methods are not present in the present, how can take down?" Narrator: XuWenChang a slight frown, touched the skull, suddenly, his eyes at the outside of the great inoue, Dialogue: "I have XuWenChang way, haha..."
Narrator: friends to cheer, XuWenChang again slowly. Surrounded by a group of people went home, uncle re-entered the house. Dialogue: fat pier: "uncle, hurry up!" "The father:" ah, come!" Narrator: the only time he took the bamboo, then go to the well, the bamboo pole in borehole, slowly when the bamboo pole burden to get used to the place, XuWenChang hand stopped smoothly and get a gift. Friends cheered: again. Small white: ya, "wen long -sweet! Ha ha." Xi wang: "you're great! Ha ha." Fat pier, "well, good!" XuWenChang: "uncle gift we got! Ha ha." Narrator: uncle, long to see everything, very happy, he took lovingkindness and gratified smile, gently stroked XuWenChang head say: Dialogue: "father:" not the kui is a clever boy." Narrator: through unremitting efforts, XuWenChang became a famous litterateur in Ming dynasty and the artist.