
谢谢大侠的解答,但是我还是不死心啊。我今天用easyrecovery 恢复出了重装系统前的 C 盘的所有内容,这样有没有可能找到以前的密钥啊,密钥存在什么路径?是在Documents and Settings 还是WINDOWS 里面啊?


EFS加密是通过对称算法加密的,2000支持DES,XP支持DES和3DES。但是加密所用的密钥是经过公钥算法加密的,这种算法几乎无法破解(暴力破解可以,但是不现实),而且加密的关键在于用户的SID,这个东西每次创建用户随机生成,就算用户名一致,也不行的。你的数据已经经过加密了,保存在硬盘上的就不是原来的数据了,所以不可能这么简单就访问到。2000毕竟还是C1级别的操作系统呢,如果企业的重要数据经过EFS加密,如果容易解密,后果不可想像。另外文件权限也是记录在NTFS分区的ACL(访问控制表)里的,所以只要是微软出的操作系统,都会严格检查的,ERD2003是基于Windows PE的,所以也会检查的。Windows XP也可以设置文件权限,只要选择我的文档,属性中设置为私有,就可以保证自己的了。但是更详细的设置,必须解除简单文件共享(不推荐,不安全)。




SID也就是安全标识符(Security Identifiers),是标识用户、组和计算机帐户的唯一的号码。在第一次创建该帐户时,将给网络上的每一个帐户发布一个唯一的 SID。Windows 2000 中的内部进程将引用帐户的 SID 而不是帐户的用户或组名。如果创建帐户,再删除帐户,然后使用相同的用户名创建另一个帐户,则新帐户将不具有授权给前一个帐户的权力或权限,原因是该帐户具有不同的 SID 号。安全标识符也被称为安全 ID 或 SID。


用户通过验证后,登陆进程会给用户一个访问令牌,该令牌相当于用户访问系统资源的票证,当用户试图访问系统资源时,将访问令牌提供给 Windows NT,然后 Windows NT 检查用户试图访问对象上的访问控制列表。如果用户被允许访问该对象,Windows NT将会分配给用户适当的访问权限。





• 用户和组的安全描述

• 48-bit的ID authority

• 修订版本

• 可变的验证值Variable sub-authority values


我们来先分析这个重要的SID。第一项S表示该字符串是SID;第二项是SID的版本号,对于2000来说,这个就是1;然后是标志符的颁发机构(identifier authority),对于2000内的帐户,颁发机构就是NT,值是5。然后表示一系列的子颁发机构,前面几项是标志域的,最后一个标志着域内的帐户和组。





或者使用Support Tools的Reg工具:

reg query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList


1. Regedt32:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion \ProfileList

2. 这个时候可以在左侧的窗口看到SID的值,可以在右侧的窗口中ProfileImagePath看到不同的SID关联的用户名,

比如%SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings\Administrator.momo这个对应的就是本地机器的管理员SID

%SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings\Administrator.domain这个就是对应域的管理员的帐户








微软在ResourceKit里面提供了一个工具,叫做SYSPREP,这个可以用在克隆一台工作站以前产生一个新的SID号码。 下图是他的参数



下面做一个试验,先获得目前帐号的SID: S-1-5-21-2000478354-688789844-839522115








第1个回答  2009-08-29
第2个回答  2009-08-30
Troubleshoot a problem with your computer's hard disk
This problem was caused by Windows not being able to open a file on your computer's hard disk. This might be a temporary condition that could go away after restarting your computer, or it could be a more serious problem with your hard disk or its driver.

To troubleshoot this problem, follow these steps:

Restart your computer

When you restart your computer, Windows will automatically check your disk for errors, and will try to recover any files that are located on damaged areas on the disk.

If the problem persists after you restart you computer, try the next step.

Run the hard disk error-checking tool

You can help solve some computer problems and improve the performance of your computer by checking your hard disk for errors. Follow these steps to run the hard disk error-checking tool:

Click the Start button , and then click Computer.

Right-click the hard disk drive that you want to check, and then click Properties.

Click the Tools tab, and then, under Error-checking, click Check Now. If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.

Select Automatically fix file system errors and Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors.

Click Start.

When prompted to schedule the disk check to occur after a restart, click Schedule disk check.

Restart your computer.

Note: Depending upon the size of your hard disk, the disk check might take several minutes.

After your computer restarts and the error check has run, review the summary report for any bad sectors or files that were repaired.

If the report cites any bad sectors that cannot be repaired, this usually means there is a problem with the hard disk itself. If this is the case, you should back up your data immediately and install a new hard disk. Read the Windows Help article Methods for backing up your files for more information about backing up your hard disk.

If there were no reported problems and you continue to see the same error, then your computer might have a problem with its file system. See the next step for some suggestions.

What you can do if the problem is being caused by the Windows file system

If you've followed the steps above and suspect there is a problem with the computer's file system, there are a few things you can try:

Contact your computer manufacturer for support.

How do I find my computer manufacturer?

Click the Start button , type msinfo32 in the Search box, and then press ENTER. Your computer manufacturer is listed as the System Manufacturer in the right pane of the System Information window.

Click to go online to see contact information for most computer manufacturers
Bring your computer to a professional repair shop.

Read the Windows Help article What to do if Windows won't start correctly, which includes additional troubleshooting steps.
Additional information

Advanced troubleshooting

This section is intended for advanced computer users, such as software developers and network administrators. If you are not comfortable with advanced troubleshooting procedures, we recommend you consult someone who is before going further.

Find the file that is causing the error and then try to open it

Click the Start button .

In the Search box, type EVENTVWR, and then press ENTER. If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.

In Event Viewer, double-click Windows Logs, and then click Application.

Click the Source column heading to list all the Application Error sources at the top of the list.

Search for an event with a source of Application Error and an event ID of 1005.

Double-click this event.

The file that cannot be opened will be listed in the section at the top. Write down the file name, and then close Event Properties.

Click the Start button , and then, in the Search box type the file name. Once your computer finds the file, try to open it by clicking the name of the file in the search results. The problem might have been temporary and might not occur when the program runs again. If you are unable to open the file, go to the next step.

Reinstall the Windows operating system

If you determine there is a problem with the Windows file system that cannot be corrected with the disk error-checking tool, and the earlier procedure was unsuccessful, you might have to reinstall the operating system.

To learn how to reinstall Windows Vista, go online to the following KB article:

Installing and reinstalling Windows
What is a hard disk?

The primary storage device located inside a computer. Also called a hard drive or hard disk drive, it is where your files and programs are typically stored.

What are drivers?

A device driver is software that enables hardware or devices (such as a printer, mouse, or keyboard) to work with your computer. Every device needs a driver in order for it to work.
