
It would be difficult to visualise想象 our modern world without plastics. Today they are an integral必备的 part of everyone’s lifestyle生活方式 with applications varying from commonplace普通的 articles to sophisticated复杂的,尖端的scientific and medical instruments医疗器械. Nowadays designers设计师 and engineers工程师 readily turn to plastics because they offer combinations制品 of properties not available可用的 in any other materials原料. Plastics offer advantages such as lightness轻盈,灵活, resilience有弹性, resistance to corrosion耐腐性, colour fastness色牢度, transparency透明性,透光度, ease of processing, etc. , and although they also have their limitations限制, their exploitation开发 is limited only by the ingenuity创造力,机敏 of the designer.
It is usual to think that plastics are a relatively recent development but in fact, as part of the larger family called “polymers”高分子材料 they are a basic ingredient组成部分,要素 of plant and animal life. Polymers are materials原料 which consist of very long chain-like连锁 molecules分子学. Natural materials such as silk丝,绸, shellac虫胶漆, bitumen沥青, rubber橡胶 and cellulose纤维素 have this type of structure型式. However, it was not until the 19th century that attempts were made to develop a synthetic polymeric material人造聚合材料 and the first success was based on cellulose纤维素. This was a material called “parkesine”硝化纤维素熟料, after its inventor Alexander Parkes亚历山大, and although it was not a commercial商务的 success it was a start and eventually终于,最后 led to the development of “Celluloid”赛璐璐. This, material was an important break-though突破,重要技术成就 because it because established已制定的,确定的 as a good replacement for natural materials天然材料 which were in short supply.

It would be difficult to visualise our
modern world without plastics. 很难想像我们的现代社会没有塑料会是什么样的。Today they are an integral part of everyone’s lifestyle生活方式 with applications varying from commonplace articles to sophisticatedscientific and medical instruments. 今天,他们已成为每个人生活方式不可分割的一部分,其应用从普通的物品到尖端的科学和医学仪器,Nowadays designers设计师 and engineers工程师 readily turn to plastics because they offer combinations制品 of properties not available可用的 in any other materials.今天,设计师和工程师们很容易转向塑料,因为塑料具有其他任何材料不能获得的综合性能。 Plastics offer advantages such as lightness, resilience, resistance to corrosion, colour fastness, transparency, ease of processing, etc. , and although they also have their limitations, their exploitation is limited only by the ingenuity of the designer.塑料具有质量轻、有弹性、耐腐蚀、色牢度、透明、容易加工等优点,虽然他们也有自己的局限性,但他们的开发仅受设计创造力的限制。
It is usual to think that plastics are a relatively recent development but in fact, as part of the larger family called “polymers” they are a basic ingredient of plant and animal life.通常认为塑料是一种相对新的发展,但是事实上,作为称为“聚合物”的大家族的一部分,他们是植物和动物生命的组成成分。 Polymers are materials which consist of very long chain-like molecules.聚合物是有很长链状分子构成的材料。 Natural materials such as silk,, shellac, bitumen, rubber and cellulose have this type of structure.像蚕丝、虫胶漆、沥青、橡胶和纤维素之类的天然材料就具有这种类型的结构。 However, it was not until the 19th century that attempts were made to develop a synthetic polymeric material and the first success was based on cellulose纤维素.可是,直至19世纪,人们还没有试图来开发合成的聚合材料,第一次成功是建立在纤维素基础上的。his was a material called “parkesine”, after its inventor Alexander Parkes, and although it was not a commercial success it was a start and eventually led to the development of “Celluloid”.是一种称为“硝化纤维素熟料,Parkesine”的材料,在他的发明人亚历山大·帕克斯之后,虽然他不是商业性的成功,但它是一个开端,并且最终导致了“赛璐珞”的发展。This, material was an important break-though because it because established as a good replacement for natural materials which were in short supply. 这种材料是一个重大突破,因为他确立了一种作为供应短缺的天然材料良好替代品的地位。
第1个回答  2009-08-22


通常认为,塑料是比较近期的发展,但实际上,作为一个更大家族被称为“高分子聚合物”的一员,它们早就是植物和动物的生命的基本组成部分。高分子聚合物是由很长的链状分子组成的原料。天然材料,如丝绸,虫胶漆,沥青,橡胶和纤维素都有这种类型的结构。然而,直到19世纪,人们才尝试开发了一种人造聚合材料,其首次成功就是纤维素。那是一种被称为“硝化纤维素塑料”的物质,其名字parkesine以其发明者亚历山大帕克斯Alexander Parkes命名。尽管它不是一个商业上的成功,但它开创和最终导致了“赛璐珞”的发展。“赛璐珞”是一个重要的技术成就,因为它创立了一个那些短缺的天然材料的替代品。

第2个回答  2009-08-22
这是很困难的,难以想象我们的现代世界没有塑料。 今天他们是每个人生活方式的必备的零件与变化从普通的应用的到复杂的,尖端的科学和医疗医疗器械。 现今,因为他们提供物产在其他材料原料的不是可用的合成的制品 .设计师和工程师欣然转向塑料。 塑料提供好处例如轻盈,灵活、对耐腐性的,有弹性、抵抗,颜色色牢度, 透明性,透光度、舒适处理等等,并且,虽然他们也有他们的限制,他们的开发由设计师的创造力,机敏仅限制。
它是通常的认为他们是动植物生命基本的ingredient组成部分,要素的塑料是相对地新发展,但是实际上,作为告诉“polymers”高分子材料的大家庭一部分。 聚合物是包括非常长的连锁 分子学的原料。 自然材料例如丝,绸、虫胶漆、沥青、橡胶和纤维素有此种型式。 然而,不是直到19世纪尝试被做了开发综合性聚合物材料人造聚合材料,并且第一成功根据纤维素。 这是在它的发明者称的“parkesine”硝化纤维素熟料,材料亚历山大以后,并且,虽然它不是商务的成功它是开始和终于,最后导致赛璐璐的发展。 这,材料是重要突破,重要技术成就,因为它,因为已制定的,确定的作为在供应不足的自然天然材料的好替换。
第3个回答  2009-08-22
在现代社会,很难想象如果没有了塑料会是什么样子. 如今,塑料已经成为了人们的一种生活方式,它们被运用到了很广泛的领域,从普通的日常用品到尖端的科学医疗器械。 现在的设计师和工程师总是会使用塑料,因为这种材料拥有其他材料无法复制的特性。塑料的优势有很多:轻盈、有弹性、耐腐蚀、色牢度、透明透光、可延展等等。尽管塑料也有自身的局限性,但是他们的研发只需要依靠设计师的灵活创造就行了。

