

In 1910, Coco Chanel revolutionized the fashion world with her女装帽子店, situated on Rue Cambon. Her exceptional sewing skills brought forth a new wave of simplicity and durability, as her chic designs resonated with women who had grown tired of elaborate decorations. Her store's popularity soared within a year, propelling her to relocate to a more fashionable address that still stands as the Chanel headquarters today.

However, Coco's ambitions extended beyond hats. In 1914, she ventured into the realm of haute couture, launching two fashion boutiques that marked the birth of the iconic Chanel brand. During the Roaring Twenties, she introduced trailblazing styles, such as the knitted sailor dress, the black mini dress, and chic ensembles featuring turtleneck jackets adorned with pearls. Influenced by menswear, Chanel infused femininity with a touch of masculinity, introducing pants and incorporating blazers into women's wardrobes, challenging the conventional notion of women's attire at the time.

Chanel's innovative designs not only transformed fashion but also attracted a coterie of luminaries, including Picasso, Jean Cocteau, and other artists. This period marked a pinnacle of elegance in French fashion and art. In 1921, Chanel further solidified her legacy by launching the legendary Chanel No. 5, a fragrance designed by Ernest Beaux and adorned with Art Deco aesthetics. Nicole Kidman's endorsement in the 1990s further propelled the perfume's fame, with Marilyn Monroe's iconic quote solidifying its status as a timeless classic.

The enduring success of Chanel No. 5, recognized by its distinctive "double C" logo, has made it one of the most profitable products in the brand's history. Today, it remains a standout offering on the Chanel website, testament to Coco's enduring influence on the world of fashion and scent.


李玟(CoCo Lee),著名美籍华裔歌手。首位进军美国乐坛的华人歌手,首位全球发行英文专辑的华人歌手,迄今唯一登上奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼献唱的亚洲歌手,被《时代周刊》评为“华人之光”的美誉;是当今华语乐坛极具代表性的亚洲流行天后,其影响力触及海内外及全亚洲,更是极少数能以英文专辑登上世界乐坛的华人歌手。1993年获香港TVB新人歌唱大赛亚军而出道。1996年加入Sony发行「每一次想你 」、「DiDaDi暗示」、「SunnyDay 好心情」、「Exposed」等多张畅销经典专辑。1999年转签美国Sony Music而晋升国际乐坛;2011年10月28日,李玟与利丰集团执行总裁Bruce Rockowitz在香港完婚。
