

die的读音是:英[da?]。die的例句是用作动词(v.)Nowadays many people die of cancer.现在有很多人死于癌症。die名词复数:dies;过去式:died;过去分词:died;现在分词:dying;第三人称单数:dies。
v.(动词)vi. & vt. 死亡; 枯萎 come to the end of life; stop living三、网络解释
1. 模具:则打样时,将板子套在事先按客户要求尺寸做好的模板(Template)上,再以手动铣床,沿Template外型旋切而得. 若是大量,则须委外制作模具(Die)以冲床冲型之. 这些都是早期单面或简单双面板通常使用的成型方式.
2. 冲模:ITC(美国国际贸易委员会)在2002年10月28日的公告中指出,目前全球刀具(tool)、冲模(die)、工业型模(Industrial mold)市场(下简称TDM市场)竞争日益激烈,这不仅会给美国带来种种新的挑战和潜在严重威胁,也同样会影响到其它国家.
3. die
3. 死亡:这主要有三个原因:首先,正如莫里斯的评论所暗示的,大多数极少主义作品的尺寸都几乎与人的身体等大. 在这里,托尼.史密斯(Tony Smith)对于他的六英尺高的立方体作品<>(Die)(1962)的提问的回答,非常具有启发性:
4. die的近义词
4.die:distribute inference engine; 分布式推理机
Nowadays many people die of cancer.
Many people die from famine in Africa.
My grandfather died at the age of 86.
Flowers soon die if they are left without water.
Coal mining is dying in this area.
These rumors will soon die away.
Many language are likely to die out.
She's dying to know where you've been.
用作动词 (v.)~+名词die a beggar穷困潦倒而死die a dog's death死得可鄙die a glorious death死得光荣die a hero's death英勇牺牲die a martyr死于自杀die a worthy death死得其所die game奋战而死die a lingering death拖延多日才死去die the death死于非命~+形容词die happy在幸福中死去die hard难断气die old寿终die poor贫困一生die young中途死亡~+副词die accidentally偶然地死去die calmly平静地死去die courageously勇敢地死去die daily虽生犹死die eventually最终死去die gladly甘心死去die gloriously光荣地死去die happily快乐地死去die immediately立即死去die instantly立即死亡die miserably惨死die peacefully宁静地死去die possibly可能死去die shamefully羞愧地死去die slowly慢慢地死掉die suddenly突然死亡die wholly彻底地枯萎die away渐渐消失die back凋落die down渐渐平息die off相继死去die out灭绝~+介词die at死在…die at one's post殉职die at the stake受火刑而死die by死于…die by drowning淹死die by hanging吊死die by one's own hand自杀die by some poison中毒而死die by the sword被剑杀die by violence横死die for极想得到…die for a cause为事业而死die for lack of air因缺空气而死die for one's country殉国,为国牺牲die for want of food因缺乏食物而死die from因…而死die from a blow被打中而死die from a disease得病而死die from an accident死于事故die from carelessness由于大意而死die from drinking too much wine饮酒过多而死die from eating to excess饮食过度而死die from hunger饥饿而死die from overwork工作过度而死die from some unknown cause由于不明原因而死die from weakness衰弱而死die in agony痛苦而死die in battle战死,阵亡die in childbed因分娩而死die in harness至死不倦die in misery死得凄惨die in office死于任职期间die in one's bed寿终正寝die in one's shoes暴死die in poverty贫困而死die in the last ditch奋战而死,战斗到底die of因…而死die of a disease病死die of a fall失足摔死die of age老死die of a broken heart失望而死die of cholera死于霍乱die of cold冻死die of consumption死于肺结核die of disappointment失望而死die of exhaustion过度疲劳而死die of fever高烧而死die of grief悲痛而死die of heat热死die of hunger饿死die of illness病死die of overwork累死die of poison中毒而死die of poverty因贫穷而死die of shame羞愧而死die of sorrow悲伤而死die of the bite of a snake蛇咬而死die of thirst渴死die of a wound受伤而死die on中途死亡die on the air渐渐消失die on the vine失败die through由于…而死亡die through neglect由于不小心而死die to舍弃…die to criticism不顾批评die to insult不顾耻辱die to reproach不顾责备die to self舍己,无我die to shame死不要脸die under在…之中死亡die upon死于…die with anger气死die with envy嫉妒而死die with fatigue过度疲劳而死die with grief忧郁而死die with joy乐死die with laughing狂笑而死die with shame羞愧而死die within不复存在六、经典引文
Dependent on the turn of a die, on the tossing up of a halfpenny.
出自:HazlittIt is not gambling when I know the dice are loaded in my favor.
出自:E. OShe died only the other day at the age of about a hundred and ten.
出自:R. CampbellFour sons, two of whom died in the First World War.
出自:J. Fowles七、词语用法
v.(动词)die的基本意思是指动植物因生命终止而“死亡”。引申可表示“消失,停止运行”“枯萎”等。die主要用作不及物动词,也可用作系动词,接名词或形容词作表语,表示死时的身份或状态。die有时也可用作及物动词,但必须接同源名词death作宾语, death前常可有形容词修饰。die不用于被动结构。die和副词小品词连用可组成短语如die away, die down, die out,均表示由大到小,由近到远,由有到无,指灯光、火光、声音等逐渐消失。die后接介词可组成短语表示死于某种原因。如接介词from表示“死于非命”等,接of表示因“疾病或年老”等而死亡。在口语中, die往往作“渴望、切望”或“强烈地感受到”解,表示一种极度状态,此时用现在进行时,其后可接介词for〔of, to〕或动词不定式。die偶尔可用于进行体,表示“就要死去,渐渐死去”。die的现在分词dying可用作形容词,在句中作定语。die的相关近义词
decrease、demise、pass away、decline、fade、fail