

1. 宾客止步 - Guests Stop Here
2. 出口处 - Exit
3. 小心落水 - Be Careful: Waterfall
4. 退货处 - Returns Counter
5. 存包处 - Baggage Check
6. 北京欢迎你 - Welcome to Beijing
7. 电话预约 - Telephone Reservations
8. 平时禁止入内 - No Entry on Regular Hours
9. 种族主义公园 - Racist Park (should be "Park of Chinese Ethnic Cultures")
10. 中餐菜谱翻译错误 - Incorrect Translation of Chinese Cuisine Menu:
- 铁板牛肉 - Iron Plate Beef, not "Corrugated Iron Beef"
- 宫堡鸡 - Gong Bao Chicken, not "Government Abuse Chicken"
- 生鱼块 - Raw Fish Cubes, not "Chop the Strange Fish"
11. 麻婆豆腐 - Mapo Tofu
12. 陈皮 - Dried Tangerine Peel
13. 干姜 - Dried Ginger
14. 远志 - Far-Reaching Aspirations (植物名)
15. 干货 - Dried Goods (store)
16. 青山绿,星火毁 - Green Mountains, Star Fire Destroys (poetic phrase)
17. 一次性用品 - Disposable Products
18. 进入景区,请注意防火 - No Open Flames Inside, Please
19. 保护环境从我做起 - Protect the Environment, Start with Me
20. 请勿喧哗 - No Loud Noises
21. 小心地滑 - Caution: Slippery Floor
22. 有您的参与,垃圾不会无家可归 - With Your Participation, Waste Will Not Be Homeless
23. 限高三米 - Height Limit: 3 Meters
24. 文明的游览行为,景区靓丽的风景 - Civilized Tourist Behavior Adds to the Scenic Beauty
25. 留住花的美,体现您的美 - Preserve the Beauty of Flowers, Reflecting Your Elegance
26. 小心碰头 - Watch Your Head
27. 前方施工,注意安全! - Construction Ahead, Be Cautious!
28. 检票处 - Ticket Inspection
29. 舒适便利是我们对您的承诺。 - Comfort and Convenience Are Our Commitment to You.
30. 解放路 - Jiefang Road
31. 眼医院 - Eye Hospital (should be "Ophthalmology Hospital")
32. 睁闹拦 - Chengnao Lane (translation error)
33. 应该是“our commitment to you” - Should be "our commitment to you"
34. “解放路”直译成“Jiefang Lu” - "Jiefang Road" should be translated as "Jiefang Lu"
35. 悉胡厕所应该用Toilet - Should be "Toilet" instead of "WC" for public restroom