


Firtstly, interest and perseverance. English learning is a long and arduous process, and only the interest can make you adhere to learn. For a beginner, at least half-hour for studying is necessary and, the moring and evening is the best time to learn.


Secondly, reading original English articles and listening to English materials which correspond to the English proficiency, which is the best way to learn the authentic English and can help you to think in English way.


Thirdly, brave enough to speak English. The English of many Chinese is “Dumb English” because they can listen, read and write all but speak. Many of them do not speak English on account of face. Mistakes make them embarrassed.


Last but not the least, practice. Practice makes perfect. Adhering to practice listening, speaking, reading and writing to cultivate a good sense of the phrase which makes English learning to achieve a multiplier effect.


第1个回答  2015-09-13
We have many ways to learn English. Now some useful methods will be introduced. The first one is listening. When we want to chat with a foreigner, if we couldn't understand what he said, we cannot chat with him. So we must practice our listening in everyday life. Such as listening to English songs and watching English movies and TV programmes. We should insist on listening everyday then we will make progross. Secondly, we should practice speaking English. For example, we can join the English Corner to make friends and practice English with them. The most important point is don't be shy. We can also imitate other people's words in movies. Thirdly, reading more English books. We can read English newspaper and magazines daily. That's a good way to know the latest news and improve our understanding of English. Also, we can read English stories we are interested in. Fourthly, writing. Writing is a good way to test your English level. Wring English diaries can help us increase our English aoplication ability. We should adhere to practice writing everyday then we will be crowned with success.本回答被网友采纳