英语翻译:亲爱的杰克: 你好吗?我十分想念你。最近我对关于怎样学习英语有些疑惑,希望你能


Dear jack:
How are you? I miss you very much. Recently, I had some doubts about how to learn English, hope you can help me.
I think, if you want to learn English well, must often read, often with others practice, but also often wrote. I think if you want to learn English well, you should do so. Do you think?
Please reply as soon as possible.
Love you,,
第1个回答  2014-09-24
Dear Jack:

How are you? I miss you so much. I have some confusions about my English study recently, and hope that you can help me.

I think that I must have more reading, practice, and writing if I want to learn it well. This is probably the best way to learn English well. What do you think?

I hope that you can repeat me quickly.

Kindest Regards.
第2个回答  2014-09-24
how are you? i miss you very much.nearly,i have some question on how to learn english.i desire to be given a hand from you.
i blieve that reading english essay many times is the good way to learn english well.besides.always practising saying english and writing english essay are good to develop english level .that is what i belive to do to learn english well.how do you think. please return massage as soon as quickly…追答

how are you? i miss you very much.nearly,i have some question on how to learn english.i desire to be given a hand from you.
i blieve that reading english essay many times is the good way to learn english well.besides.always practising saying english and writing english dairy are good to develop english level .that is what i belive to do to learn english well.how do you think. please return massage quickly…

第3个回答  2014-09-24
jack slow fuck