初二 英语 怎么区分 请详细解答,谢谢! (28 9:43:25)

how much ,how long ,how far ,how son 像这样的题目应该怎么来做【方法】。will come ,comes ,come,coming怎么区分它的意思【方法】。turn down,turn on,turn off,turn up怎么来做像类似这种题目【方法】。

how much 问价钱
How much is your pen? Ten yuan.

how long 多久(就FOR /SINCE 短语来问,)也可以问长度
How long have you learned English? For three years.
How long is the desk? It is one metre.

how far多远(问距离)
How far is your school from your home? Two kilometres.

how soon过多久(就IN+一段时间来提问)
How soon will you go home ? In two days.

will come (一般将来时)
He will come to see me this weekend.

comes (一般现在时主语第三人称单数)
He often comes home early.

They usually come to visit us at the weekend.

The bus is coming
turn down,(调小)
Please turn down the radio, it is too loud.
turn on,(打开(灯/收音机/电视机等)
Please turn on the radio, I want to listen to the news.
turn off,(与TURN OFF 相反,关闭)
Please turn off the radio, the baby is sleeping.
turn up(与TURN DOWN 相反,调大)
Please turn up the radio, I can't hear clearly.

The radio is too loud, please turn it down.
第1个回答  2009-08-28
2.是“how soon”吧。“how much ,how long ,how far ,how son ”意思分别是“多少(后接不可数名词);多长时间,多久;多远;多长时间一次(表频率)”
3.“will come ,comes ,come,coming”分别是:一般将来时,现在时(用于第三人称单数),现在时(用于一二人称),现在进行时。都是“来”的意思。这些考的是时态记忆。
4.“turn down,turn on,turn off,turn up”分别是“拒绝;开(灯),旋开,激活;关(灯);开大,把···翻过来。”尤其是这些固定短语,它有好多意思,老师讲的通常是最常用或最常考的意思,所以要好好听课。
第2个回答  2009-09-03
how much 问价钱 how long 问时间 how far 问距离
how son问男女
will come将要来 comes前面应该为单数 coming表示正在来
turn down拐弯 turn on后加拐弯的地点
turn up向上

