
1.They climbed the mountain()many people were planting trees,and()lotsheep were eating grass.
A.where,where B.that,that C.where,that D.that,which

2.It was in that house()he used to live()thesecret meeting was held.
A.where,where B.that,that C.what,where D.where that

3.Is it the country ()you studied()you are going to visit next week?
A.in which which B.where that C.that that D.which that

4.This is the tallest building here,()you can enjoy fine view of the city.
A.from its top B.from which top C.from the top of which D.from whose top of which

5.They stayed with me three weeks,()they drank all the wine I had.
A.which B.during which time C.which time D.during which


A 定于从句修饰mountain,因为后面定语从句的意思是在上山怎么怎么
故用where引导表示 在山中的意思
D 首先看第1个空,he used to live是定语从句用来修饰house,陈述句是,he used to live in the house,所以用where或者in that来替代in the house来引导(注意的是in that和第1个空无关和第2个空才有关)。整个句子是个强调句it was+that.强调句的特点就是拿掉it was+that句子能说得通。in that house(定语从句)the secret meeting was held很明显说得通,故第2个空应该为that
3.B 第1个空 定语从句 you studied in the country是从句的陈述句。用where来替代in the country引导。因为where是副词所以不用加介词。而用which或that来引导的话,which和that相当于名次,必须加介词in才能表达出在其中的意思。第2个空强调巨型,you are going to visit the country next week拿掉is it that说得通
4 C 很明显是非限制性定语从句 从句陈述表达 you can enjoy fine vies of the city from the top of the building用which带踢the building一定要带介词of ,you can enjoy fine vies of the city from the top of which将from the top of which提前
5. D 从句陈诉语句 they drank all the wine I had during the three weeks.说过which可以代替名词,那么用which带踢the three weeks,they drank all the wine I had during which. during which提前
另外弄清楚 定语从句和状语从句的区别
定语从句在主句中作定语成分,起修饰作用 故叫做定语从句
第1句和第2题很显然从句用来修饰mountry和house 所以是定语从句
而像stay where you are这是地点状语从句 where you are在做stay的地点副词,所以是地点状语从句 ,而stay the place where you are,where you are作定语修饰the place所以是定语从句
第1题 说得简单了些,不过我想你看懂2,3,4,5题后,自己也能搞定第1题了
第1个回答  2009-10-03
A他们爬上了这座山,那里有许多人在种树,许多羊在吃草。(where=on which)
D强调句是IT WAI ..THAT.. ,习惯用LIVE IN SW,所以是in which=where
Cthe ... of which =whose...
They stayed with me three weeks?应该有介词才对啊

最后的上面说选D,好象也很有道理,大概是我错了 ?
BAIDU 后发现B也没错^^^^^^^^
during which的中心语大部分是表示时间段的名字例如period等;而duiring which time的中心语常常是具体的时间如5 years等。
第2个回答  2009-10-03
1.A 属于地点状语从句 因为在关联词后面还跟有主谓宾(many people were planting trees) 从而判断这不是定语从句 第二个空 同理 主谓宾(lotsheep were eating grass)有逗号 有and 连接两个句子 成分相同
2. D 首先判断这是一个判断句 因此和两个孔当中 有一个是天that 排除A.C 需要先分析句子要表达一个什么意思 他要说的是 ”正是在那个他曾经住过的房子里召开了这个会议“ 从而判断 第一个空是修饰“房子”的状语从句语 (时状语where而不是定语that 参见第一题讲解) 而第二个空则是句子的主干 构成了判断句式 从而选择D
3.雨第二题相同题型 句子意思是“你下周要去参观的学校是你曾经所学习时呆过的那所吗” 建议多练习关于强调句的选择题 100导体后 你就会有经验 以后不会错了 最重要的还是靠自己领悟

4.C 定语从句 which 修饰building
5.D A C 应该很容易排除 而B中which time 是 哪一次的意思 不是代表时间 只有D才是修饰时间的
建议多做高考题中各种题型的分类汇总 每一类题50道是底线 整理加反思 就不会出错了