nothing that和nothing but怎么用


nothing that 的 that 是指代不定代词 nothing 的关系代词,后面跟定语从句,如:I had nothing that might not have been cried from the house tops. (我没有不能公开的)。

nothing but 的 but 是转折连词,后面跟并列成分,例如:He said nothing but gave me a sly grin that made me feel terribly uneasy (他什么也没说,只是朝我狡黠地笑了笑,这让我感到极其不安)。



Mr Pearson said he knew nothing of his wife's daytime habits.

Because he had always had money, it meant nothing to him.

Homes in this corner of Mantua that once went for $350,000 are now worth nothing.


Around the lake the countryside generally is nothing special.

There was nothing remarkable about him.

第1个回答  2018-06-25
nothing that 的 that 是指代不定代词 nothing 的关系代词,后面跟定语从句,如:I had nothing that might not have been cried from the house tops. (我没有不能公开的)。
nothing but 的 but 是转折连词,后面跟并列成分,例如:He said nothing but gave me a sly grin that made me feel terribly uneasy (他什么也没说,只是朝我狡黠地笑了笑,这让我感到极其不安)。本回答被网友采纳