用80个英语单词写一篇作文 我为什么喜欢学英语 学英语带来的易处。 我丛小就喜欢学英语,感觉讲好

更别提出国办事 旅游了,英语学好真的有好多易处,想去那就可以去那,不用担心听不懂,英语学好还可以教自己的小孩,不用请家教了,想想真好。

Why do I like studying English?
If you ask me why I like studing English, I'll give you the answer. The reasons are as follows.
Firstly, that English is the most widely used language in the world forced
me to learn it well. I can communicate with foreigners freely and frequently
as long as I master it. I can also make more friends and learn more about foreign culture. It provides me with more chances for my life as well.
Secondly,I'm curious about the new. I can learn them by reading English articles,watching English programs ,listening to radio in English and so on.
Addition,English opens my eyes and enrich my life.
Above all,I'm getting more and more intreested in studying English.