

第1个回答  2009-07-05
芬兰没去过,但是通过几年在挪威的经验来说,您最好要带冲锋衣,等较厚实的装备内衣不用很厚 但是7月份的峡湾是雨季,很潮湿。(你去挪威不会不去峡湾吧,推荐你去卑而根)。要是在南部Oslo等地的话,夏天的衣服多带点享受下挪威来之不易的阳光吧,但是要注意的是昼夜温差较大。
第2个回答  2009-06-28
Sorry I'm not using my conputer so I can only type English.

I'm in Copenhagen, today's temperature is 25, and big sunshine.

In July, in Denmark, the temperature is around 25 in the day, and 15 in the evening. So you need short clothes. But one thin jacket is necessary, the water prove one is even better.

Norway and Finland is more north, so I guess the temperature is little bit lower, but you should take T-shirts, and thin jackets also. don't need to be so many 厚衣服, just one warm jacket is enough, like NorthFace.