
June 16 (Financial 24) -- Lear Corp., the world� second- largest maker of auto seats, fell the most in six months after Barclays Capital downgraded the stock and said the company� financial restructuring may leave little for shareholders. The auto-parts supplier is trying to negotiate revised loan terms after getting a waiver through June 30 on some conditions and taking a 30-day grace period for $38 million in interest payments that had been due June 1. Lear has struggled as its biggest customer, General Motors Corp., and other carmakers have cut production because of slumping U.S. sales.
Lear Corp. Seat Maker

June 16 (Belfast Telegraph) IRELAND -- Large beef processors are using Northern Ireland cattle prices to force down farmgate prices across the water, beef farmers have claimed. Northern Ireland� prime cattle market has been moulded into a private supply pool used to manipulate market price across Britain and the Republic, the National Beef Association has said.
Irish Beef

June 14 (Courier Journal) SPRINGDALE, AR -- Tyson Foods said it had a larger-than-expected loss in the three months ended March 28 because of declining beef sales and one-time costs. The world's largest meat producer noted that it expects the drop in pork demand amid worries about the H1N1 influenza outbreak to be short-lived. In its fiscal second quarter, Tyson's sales dipped 1 percent to $6.31 billion. The company posted a loss of $104 million, compared with a $5 million loss a year earlier.

6月16日(财务24 ) - Lear公司,世界�第二大汽车制造商的席位,跌幅最大的6个月后,巴克莱资本的股票评级,并表示该公司�财务重组有可能使小股东。在汽车零部件供应商正试图通过谈判修改贷款条件后,放弃6月30日通过的一些条件,以30天的宽限期为3800万美元支付的利息已经6月1日到期。李一直是其最大的客户通用汽车公司,和其他汽车制造商削减产量,因为美国市场的销量下滑。


6月14日(信使日报)盛雅,阿-泰森食品公司表示,它有一个大于预期损失的三个月中,截至3月28日,由于销售下降,牛肉和一次性费用。世界上最大的肉类生产商指出,预计猪肉的需求下降,原因是人们担心的H1N1流感爆发是短暂的。在其2007财年第二季度,泰森的销售下跌百分之一至六十三万千点零零万美元。该公司亏损1.04亿美元,相比之下, 500万美元的损失与前一年同月。