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A large number of immigrants from almost every part of the world come to live in Canada. Canada has a great mix of people with different backgrounds than almost anywhere on Earth , after Australia .One example is the governor General of Canada , Michaell Jean , who came to Canada as a young child with her family from Haiti in 1968.

Ottawa is the capital of Canada .The current head of government , the prime minister ,is Stephen Harper , who replaced Paul Martin Jr. in January of 2006. Each province and territory has a premier to head its government.

First Nations are the native tribes who lived in Canada before Eurpeans came there . Many Canadians also use "First Nations" to mean people with natives in their family trees . Many say it because these nations were here long before Canada , and to make it clearer that the First Nations have many cultures and that some of the cultures are very different from others

Other words that have been used for First Nations people ,tribes, and cultures have been "indigenous", Indian","Native Indian","Amerind," or "native",Now many people say "Indian"only about people from India

Canada's land is composed of thirteen parts :ten provinces and three territories . Canada is governed on the principles of a federation: the Provinces' governments share power with the Government of Canada (the federal government). The territories' governments have a more limited set of powers versus the federal government than that of the province'.

The provinces are located in the south of Canada ,and the territories are in the north ,where fewer people live.

Here is a list of the provinces , and their standard abbreviations , with their capitals (the cities where their governments have their offices).Canada 's capital city is Ottawa.

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A large number of immigrants from almost every part of the world come to live in Canada. Canada has a great mix of people with different backgrounds than almost anywhere on Earth , after Australia .One example is the governor General of Canada , Michaell Jean , who came to Canada as a young child with her family from Haiti in 1968.大量的几乎来自全世界的移民都选择在加拿大居住。仅次于澳大利亚,加拿大拥有几乎世界上所以不同背景的人的大集合。例如,加拿大General州长,简迈克就是很小的时候在1968年随家移居加拿大的。

Ottawa is the capital of Canada .The current head of government , the prime minister ,is Stephen Harper , who replaced Paul Martin Jr. in January of 2006. Each province and territory has a premier to head its government.渥太华是 加拿大首都。目前的政府首脑,总理是Stephen Harper,在2006年一月接替Paul Martin Jr成为总理的。每一个省和地区都有其自己的一个长官来管理自己的地区政府。

First Nations are the native tribes who lived in Canada before Eurpeans came there . Many Canadians also use "First Nations" to mean people with natives in their family trees . Many say it because these nations were here long before Canada , and to make it clearer that the First Nations have many cultures and that some of the cultures are very different from others首批国民是那些在欧洲人到来之前就在加拿大定居的当地土著部落。很多加拿大人也在他们的家谱中用首批国民来指代他们。很多人都这么说是因为这些人比加拿大自身的历史都要悠久。事实证明也确实如此,他们有着不同于其他的独特的文化。

Other words that have been used for First Nations people ,tribes, and cultures have been "indigenous", Indian","Native Indian","Amerind," or "native",Now many people say "Indian"only about people from India 其他用于表示首批居民以及他们的部落和文化的词还有土著人,印第安人,土著印度人,美国印第安人或土著。但很多人认为只有来自印度的人才应被称为印第安人。

Canada's land is composed of thirteen parts :ten provinces and three territories . Canada is governed on the principles of a federation: the Provinces' governments share power with the Government of Canada (the federal government). The territories' governments have a more limited set of powers versus the federal government than that of the province'.加拿大国土由三部分组成。十个省,三个区。加拿大采用联邦制。也就是各省政府各自归属联邦政府的总管理,地区政府比省要接受更多的权利限制。

The provinces are located in the south of Canada ,and the territories are in the north ,where fewer people live.省多位于加拿大国土的南部。地区则位于北部。地区的人口比省要少很多。

Here is a list of the provinces , and their standard abbreviations , with their capitals (the cities where their governments have their offices).Canada 's capital city is Ottawa.
第1个回答  2009-07-20
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