


Dead people do not always lie quietly in graves. 

Sometimes they have unfinished things in the world or want to avenge their wrongs.


maybe they have done evil themselves in life, even if they die, they can not be peaceful, 

so they must come back to bring trouble and fear to the living.


In these five stories, the deceased may arrive in the most strange way at any time, anywhere.


at an Oxford college where Mr. Williams is interested in looking at an old painting; 

or in broad daylight at a small hotel where young Mr. Thomson stays on vacation.


Mr. Edward Dunning's room lights out. He reaches for matches. What does his hand touch in the dark?


The wife and stepson of the squire Bowles asked a question, but only Bowles knew the answer. 


When Professor Parkins blew up an old whistle he picked up, was it just wind or something else?


 What a terrible thing you can't see, hear, but can't imagine...





第1个回答  2006-08-06
you must know, the died is till around us.
in this book, there are three stories about some mysterious things that you have seen.have you litsened some voise that so stange?have you thought something is under your bed and it was ready to atract you?......
after reading this book, you maybe find the ky to it...
第2个回答  推荐于2017-11-21
If you find a locked room in a lonely inn, don't try to open it, even on a bright sunny day. If you find a strange whistle hidden amoung the stones of an old church, don't blow it. If a mysterious man gives you a piece of paper with strange writing on it, give it back to him at once. And if you call a dead man from his grave, don't expect to sleep peacefully ever again. Read these five ghost stories by deylight, and make sure your door is locked.
the picture
casting the runes
the experiment
'oh,whistle,and I'll come to you my boy'