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一是以人为本。孔子从教育与人的发展的关系上论述了教育的作用,他承认人的成长,教育起着决定作用。《论语·阳货》中说:“性相近也,习相远也”。人的本性是很接近的,后来之所以有较大的差别,是教育和学习的结果。他认为:第一,人的先天素质并无差别,人生来应该是平等的。第二,他也意识到人的个性差异,主要是由于人们的环境习染各不相同之故,是后天作用于先天的结果,这就大肯定了教育的必要性与可能性。 当然,孔子并未完全摆脱先天决定论的羁绊,仍然承认有少数生而知之的圣人和学而不能的下民。

第1个回答  2013-12-15
Confucius education thought
Confucius education fully reflects the "people-oriented" and "Virtue" as the first philosophy of education, attach importance to the development of the development of students and teachers, the moral education in the first place.His education thought has provided many beneficial enlightenment to us.
He believes that the "disciples into the filial piety, is a brother, like the letter,pan loving public, and dear benevolence. With spare effort, to learn.".According to Confucius pate people doing things is "benevolence". His disciples the son once said: "the man is filial piety, and committed a goodperson, fresh; not committed, and who, did not have, provided thegentleman, study. Filial piety, the essence of virtue and!" "Filial piety", theprinciple is "benevolence"
Confucius from "paper, line, loyalty, trust" four aspects to teach students not only to learn literature, moral practice, and loyal to the people, act in faith. He believes that the way people of all nations, should be based on honesty,people who are trustworthy, and pointed out that: "people without a letter, I do not know it too, the car no, no, the reason for it?" That is to say, if a person, do not speak credit, really do not know how he handled things, like -no, not how to get the car carriage,? And "OK, loyalty, trust" is the moral education of the. So we can say the following is he executed the purpose of education:
One is the humanist. Confucius discusses the role of education from the relationship between the development of education and people, he acknowledged that human growth, education plays a decisive role in. "The Analects of Confucius," Yang said: "Their natures are much the same also,accustomed to far also". Human nature is very close, then have bigger difference, is the result of education and learning. He thinks: first, there is nodifference between the congenital quality of human, life should be equal.Second, he is also aware of people's individual character difference, mainly due to the environment having different reason, is the result of acquired role in innate, it is sure the necessity and possibility of education. Of course,Confucius did not completely get rid of the fetters of innate determinism, still admits a few be born with knowledge of the saints and people learn and not.
Two is the goal of moral education is first asked to make a moral ethicalstandards of social members, followed by the cultural knowledge learning, so the content of education in Confucius, moral education occupies the first place, cultural knowledge learning must serve for the moral education. Firstasked to make a moral ethical standards of social members, followed by thecultural knowledge learning, so the content of education in Confucius, moral education occupies the first place, cultural knowledge learning must serve for the moral education.
He thought that the highest state of moral cultivation is "benevolence"."Benevolence" is the core of Confucianism, "benevolence" in the Analects of Confucius "" occurs 109 times. "Shuowen" explanation: "Ren, dear, from thetwo". "Benevolence" is the representation of the relationship between people,between people and people is "love", rather than "thief", "harm"; between the person and person's cooperation, rather than conflict of interest, the Confucian thought of rule of virtue is to the point. "Benevolence" of the content is very rich, however, its basic connotation is "love". What is the"Confucius students fan chi to Confucius ask Ren", Confucius replied:"lover." "Benevolence" is the most basic idea is: "do not want to, do not impose on others". Confucius almost all the knowledge, education will lay in morality, morality is Confucius is seen as the best knowledge.
Confucius that Jen is the core, the ritual is standard, filial piety is the fundamental, is the implementation of the principle of benevolence, faithfulmethod etc.. In Confucius basis, Mencius and divided into three systems: the"benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom", "filial piety, fraternal love,loyalty, trust", "father and son have a dear, officials have righteousness,couples are different, respect for seniority, friend Yunobu." Then there is"three cardinal guides", "5S", "moral foundations of society" (integrity, caring Chunghsiao Lutheran peace) and other system. The formation of thesesystems, the moral education in ancient China, along with the social development and mature, which resulted in the Confucius.
Dialectically, thought is Confucius stultify oneself in education, such ascontempt production practical knowledge, but also limited by the natural sciences at that time the lack of knowledge, ignoring the speculative knowledge and training ability, lack of philosophical speculation atmosphere. It can also be said to have certain origin and rigid dogma teaching.
第2个回答  2013-12-15