

The declining respect of obtaining a university degree can be generally explained from financial and social perspectives. For one hand, the investment in university education seems to be costly with long-term return. It is common to exemplify people without university experience get wealthier than those with a degree due to the capture of opportunities and the earlier capital accumulation. As a consequence of it, the public starts to doubt the significance of studying in university.
However, it is biased to set wealth as the only standard of success. In addition, the maturity and knowledge people get from university is unique and treasurable. Although the education system in university tends to be conceptual and formal with lack of attachment with the real workplace culture, it is proved that for those who at the top management position of firms such as CEO and CFO acquires conceptual skills as the biggest portion of the ability requirement. University is not for fun or socialization, it is a combination of mental and human relations development. The individual improvement and progress are not measurable, instead, it roots in your way of thinking and organizing everything as a life-long course...