天堂2 谁能帮忙吧SYSTEM 里的OPTION里的文字复制给我我开不了游戏

改低点。。。然后复制给我吧 谢谢了
,,,5555都没人啊 看来我玩不了了


# =================================================================
# Test server setting, shouldn't be touched for production game servers
# 服务器测试设定, 在开启后请勿改动
# =================================================================

Debug = False
Assert = False
Developer = False

# if true the server will be a test server (listed by testserver clients only)
# 如果设为 'True' 服务器为测试状态 (listed by clients setted up to list testserver)
TestServer = False

# =================================================================
# Additional server settings, not required, can be left with defaults
# 副加服务器设定, 非必须, 可以保护原设定
# =================================================================

# If next switch is set to true every newly created character will have access level 200.
# 如果此项设定为 'true', 则所有玩家角色为 GM, 权限等级为 200.
EverybodyHasAdminRights = True

# Setting for serverList
# Displays [] in front of server name
# 服务器列表设定
# 在服务器名前显示 []
ServerListBrackets = False

# Displays a clock next to the server name
# 在服务器名旁显示游戏时间
ServerListClock = False

# If true, the server will be set as GM only
# 如果设定为True,则只有 GM 可进入服务器
ServerGMOnly = False

# This is setting of experimental Client <--> Server Player coordinates synchronization,
# 0 - no synchronization at all
# 1 - parcial synchronization Client --> Server only * using this option it is difficult for players to bypass obstacles
# 2 - parcial synchronization Server --> Client only
# 3 - full synchronization Client <--> Server
# -1 - Old system: will synchronize Z only
CoordSynchronize = -1

# Zone Setting
# 0 = Peace All the Time
# 1 = PVP During Siege
# 2 = PVP All the Time
# 玩家互战区域设定.
# 0 = 始终不允许玩家互战
# 1 = 在攻城或特殊事件时允许
# 2 = 始终允许玩家互战
ZoneTown = 0

# Chat configuration
# Global Chat - ON (=region), OFF, GM, GLOBAL
# 是否允许游戏内全域对话,可选三种设置: ON, OFF, GM
# ON 所有人都能用
# OFF 全部禁用
# GM 只允许GM使用
GlobalChat = ON

# Trade Chat - ON (=global, might be good for small servers), OFF, GM, LIMITED (=region)
TradeChat = LIMITED

# Player punishment for illegal acions
# 1 - broadcast warning to gms only
# 2 - kick player(default)
# 3 - kick & ban player
# 4 - jail player (define minutes of jail with param: 0 = infinite)
# 对于玩家不合法行为惩罚设定.
# 1 - 仅仅告知GM
# 2 - 踢他下线(默认设定)
# 3 - 踢他下线然后封号
# 4 - jail player (define minutes of jail with param: 0 = infinite)
DefaultPunish = 2
DefaultPunishParam = 0

# Bypass exploit protection
# 支路利用保护
BypassValidation = True

# Enforce gameguard for clients
# GameGuardEnforce - enforces gameguard query on character login
# GameGuardProhibitAction - don't allow player to perform trade, talk with npc
# or move until gameguard reply is received.
GameGuardEnforce = True
GameGuardProhibitAction = True

# Allow delete chars after nnn days, 0 = feature disabled
# 设定角色删除时,需等待多少天才会真正的删除, 0 为不允许玩家删除
DeleteCharAfterDays = 7

# =================================================================
# Server optimizations
# =================================================================
# === Flood Protector ===

# set the initial size of the flood protector (should equal ~player count)
FloodProtectorInitialSize = 50

# === Items on ground management ===
# Allow players to drop items on the ground
# 允许玩家丢弃物品于地上
AllowDiscardItem = True

# delete from world dropped reward items after n seconds. 0 - disabled
# 物品丢弃于地上消失时间. 0 = 不消失
AutoDestroyDroppedItemAfter = 0

# Time in secs after wich droped herb will be autodestroyed (default: 15 seconds)
# 药草掉落地上消失时间 (预设为 15 秒)
AutoDestroyHerbTime = 15

# List of items that will not be destroyed (seperated by ",")
# NOTE: Make sure the lists do NOT CONTAIN trailing spaces or spaces between the numbers!
# items on this list will be protected regardless below options
# 下列清单内物品不会消失
ListOfProtectedItems = 57,5575,6673

# also delete from world misc. items dropped by players (all except equipable items)
# NOTE: work only if AutoDestroyDroppedItemAfter >0
DestroyPlayerDroppedItem = false

# Destroy also equipable items (armor, weapon, jewelry)
# NOTE: Work only if DestroyPlayerDroppedItem = true
DestroyEquipableItem = false

# save into DB droppped items for restoring after reboot
SaveDroppedItem = false

# Empty table after items are loaded into memory - safety setting
# if server crash before saving items, on next start old items will be restored
# and players may already picked up some of them - so this will prevent duplicates
EmptyDroppedItemTableAfterLoad = false

# Time interval in minutes to save in DB items on ground, 0 to disable
# NOTE: If SaveDroppedItemInterval is disabled items will be saved into DB only at server shutdown
SaveDroppedItemInterval = 60

# delete all saved items form DB On next start
# NOTE: Work only if SaveDroppedItem = false
ClearDroppedItemTable = false


# delete invalid quest from player
AutoDeleteInvalidQuestData = False

# setting false can improve server performance on high rate servers
PreciseDropCalculation = True

# allows creating multiple nonstackable items at one time
MultipleItemDrop = True

# Forces full item inventory packet to be sent for any item change
# Note: This can increase network traffic
# 迫使全部的项目存货清单包被索取任何项目改变
# 注意:这能增加网络通信量
ForceInventoryUpdate = False

# Set the html cache's lazy loading True or False
# (Load html's into cache only on first time requested)
# 是否开启html缓存预读功能
# (将html预读进入内存)
LazyCache = True

# Maximum range mobs can randomly go from spawn point
# NPC的走动范围设定.
MaxDriftRange = 200

# Minimum and maximum variable in seconds for npc animation delay.
# You must keep MinNPCAnimation <= MaxNPCAnimation.
# "0" is default value.
# NPC动作延时设定.
# 你必须让 MinNPCAnimation 的值小于或等于 MaxNPCAnimation.
# "0"为默认.
MinNPCAnimation = 0
MaxNPCAnimation = 0

# Show "data/html/servnews.htm" when a character enters world.
# 显示 "data/html/servnews.htm" 当角色进入游戏时
ShowServerNews = False

# Show L2Monster level and aggro
# 显示怪物等级
ShowNpcLevel = False

# Activate the position recorder
# valid 3D points will be recorded and written to data/universe.txt on shutdown
# 动态位置记录.
# 玩家坐标在关闭时会被记录进 data/universe.txt
ActivatePositionRecorder = False

# =================================================================
# Additionnal features that can be enabled or disabled
# =================================================================

# If you are experiencing problems with Warehouse or Freight transactions,
# feel free to disable them here. (They are both enabled by default).
# 允许使用仓库
AllowWarehouse = True

# Enable Warehouse Cache - if WH is not used will server clear memory used by this WH
# 开启仓库快取
WarehouseCache = False

# How long Warehouse should be store in Memory
# 仓库资料存于记忆体多长时间
WarehouseCacheTime = 15

# 允许使用货运仓库
AllowFreight = True

# If True player can try on weapon and armor in shop
# Each Item tried cost WearPrice adena
# 开启试穿衣服系统
AllowWear = True

# 试穿衣服时间
WearDelay = 10

# 试穿衣服需要花的金币
WearPrice = 10

# =============== Test features ===============

# 开启奖券系统
AllowLottery = False

# 开启怪物竞速系统
AllowRace = False

# 开启溺水死亡系统
AllowWater = False

# Enable pet for rent(wyvern&strider) from pet managers
# 开启宠物可从宠物主人处租借(飞龙和座龙)
AllowRentPet = False

# Allow fishing disabled until all code uploaded
# 开启钓鱼系统
AllowFishing = True

#Allow boat
# 开启定期船系统
AllowBoat = False

#Allow cursed weapons
# 开启诅咒武器系统
AllowCursedWeapons = True

# Allow L2Walker client (Default False)
# Can be True, False, GM
# 是否允许 L2Walker 外挂客户端 (预设 False)
# 设定 True, False, GM
AllowL2Walker = False

# 允许使用 L2Walker 外挂的版本
L2WalkerRevision = 552

# Ban account if account using l2walker and is not GM, AllowL2Walker = False
# 自动封锁使用L2Walker外挂的玩家
AutobanL2WalkerAcc = False

# Apply default punish if player buy items for zero adena
OnlyGMItemsFree = True

# =================================================================
# Logging features
# =================================================================
# Logging ChatWindow
# 记录聊天内容
LogChat = True

# Logging Item handling NOTE: This can be very space consuming if enabled for all items.
# 记录项目处理注意到: 这可能消耗的空间的是被适合全部项目使成为可能.
LogItems = False

# Log GM actions
# 是否允许GM查帐
GMAudit = False

# =================================================================
# Community board configuration
# =================================================================
# Type of the Community board
# - Full = new Community Board ( /!\ Experimental)
# - Old = old Community Bord
# - off = no community Board
# - Full = 新布告栏 ( /!\ Experimental)
# - Old = 旧布告栏
# - off = 关闭布告栏
CommunityType = old
BBSDefault = bbs_default

# show level of character to others in Community Board
ShowLevelOnCommunityBoard = False

ShowStatusOnCommunityBoard = True

NamePageSizeOnCommunityBoard = 50

NamePerRowOnCommunityBoard = 5

# =================================================================
# Threads configuration - Take care changing this
# =================================================================

# 你需要按照实际情况设定,过高或过低都不好.
# 如果使用高性能或多核心CPU请调整设定.
# 默认为 8, 20 and 8(说明:因大多数电脑主频或性能都超过2.0GHz,所以我把默认设定成8,20,8 经我测试其实还更高! by乾坤无极)
# 预设为 4, 10 and 4
ThreadPoolSizeEffects = 10
ThreadPoolSizeGeneral = 13

#Default 2
UrgentPacketThreadCoreSize = 2
#Default 4
GeneralPacketThreadCoreSize = 4
#Default 4
GeneralThreadCoreSize = 4

AiMaxThread = 6

# Thread pools execution priority
# default values are -1,0,1 (low/med/high pools)
# 共用线程实行优先权
# 预设值是 -1,0,1 (低/中/高)
ExecutorPriLow = -1
ExecutorPriMed = 0
ExecutorPriHigh = 1

#Packet LifeTime in miliseconds, 0 - disabled feature
PacketLifeTime = 0

#Grid options: Grids can now turn themselves on and off. This also affects
#the loading and processing of all AI tasks and (in the future) geodata
#within this grid.
#Turn on for a grid with a person in it is immediate, but it then turns on
#the 8 neighboring grids based on the specified number of seconds.
#Turn off for self and neighbors occures after the specified number of
#seconds have passed during which a grid has had no players in or in
#any of its neighbors.
#The always on option allows to ignore all this and let all grids be active
#at all times
GridsAlwaysOn = False
GridNeighborTurnOnTime = 30
GridNeighborTurnOffTime = 300

# GeoData options:
# 0 = GeoData and PathFinding OFF (default)
# 1 = GeoData used to check Line Of Sight (LOS) targetting and
# L2Playable movement. You need to download files for data/geodata folder.
# Monsters can pass walls but not aggro through them.
# 2 = Full GeoData enabled, CURRENTLY FOR TESTING ONLY. Includes PathFinding
# (requires also /data/pathnode files) and all character moves go
# through geodata checks (if a mob passes a wall, pathing is wrong).
GeoData = 0

#[True]Loads GeoData buffer's content into physical memory.
#[False] Does not necessarily imply that the GeoData buffer's content is not resident in physical memory.
ForceGeodata = True
第1个回答  2009-07-05
第2个回答  2009-07-06
第3个回答  2009-07-18