
1. Robin Hood
Robin Hood was a Saxon noble man. As he could not bear the oppressions from the Normans, he became an outlaw and hid in the forest with his merry men. From this secret place, he went out to rob from the rich to give the poor.
2. Sinn Fein
Sinn Fein is a legal political Party in Northern Ireland which supports the union of Ireland. The leaders of Sinn Fein prefer a twin campaign, both political and military which they call the policy of the bullet and the ballot box. People think that it is important in solving the political problem of Northern Ireland.
3. the constitution
Britain has no written Constitution. The Constitution here includes statute law passed by Parliament; the common laws established through common practice in the courts and conventions.
4. the importance of general election
General elections are very important in western countries because they give people chances of influencing future government policies and of replacing those incompetent political leaders.
5 relative decline of the UK economy
The UK has experienced an economic decline since 1945. But this is a relative decline rather than an absolute one .Britain is wealthier than before ,but because other countries developed more quickly ,the position of its economy has slid.
6. The Canterbury Tales
It is the most important work in Middle English literature. And it is made up of many stories told by some pilgrims on their way to the Christian Church at Canterbury. It is also very famous for its diversity shown in the different social status of the pilgrims as well as the style of the stories.
7. The making of Britain’s foreign policy
The general direction of Britain’s foreign policy is mainly decided by the Prime Minister and Cabinet. The Foreign and Commonwealth office, the Ministry of Defence are also important in the making of Britain’s policy. But an extremely important player in Britain’s foreign policy is Treasury. It decides on how much money other departments can have each year.
8. Open University
Open University was founded in Britain in the 1960sfor people who can not go to university. It is open to everybody and does not demand formal educational qualifications. Students study through TV, radio, etc. In the end, successful students are given a university degree.
9. Wimbledon
Wimbledon is a suburb in London. The world’s best players compete here in the yearly international tennis championship. It is probably the most famous tennis event in the world. There are a lot of other social activities about the Wimbledon fortnight.
10. Tabloids
A tabloid is a small format newspaper with color photos and attractive headlines. They are usu. interested in scandal and gossip about famous people. They also carry lots of crime and sports news to attract more people. Stories are usu. Short and easy to read. They are different from quality papers.

第1个回答  2009-06-17
1 。罗宾汉
2 。新芬党
3 。宪法
4 。的重要性,换届选举
6 。在坎特伯雷故事集
7 。制定英国的外交政策
8 。公开大学
9 。温网
10 。小报
