

第1个回答  2013-06-18
正方:I think school is a good place to study,it can help us to make many good friends ,and also can help us to lean how to take good care of ourselves.school life is very interesting.we never feel lonely,because wo have so many friends and teachers to cheer us up.I never forget that my teacher has encouraged me.I love my school life so much.
反方:I don't think so .In my opinion,school life is very terrible.I don't like school uniform,because they are ugly.The food is too bad ,I don't like them in the slightest.Thears are so strict with us,I feel so busy.I find it difficult for me to study very well.I don't like school life .本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2013-06-17
你先想好大概的内容呀 大概要说的点 然后在翻译嘛
第3个回答  2013-06-20
advantages:the internet povoides people with enormous amounts of information in a fraction of a second.with this easy access to the internet,searching for information has become easier than ever before.the internet changes the way people communicate with each other.e-mail allows us to write to our friends and receive letters from them cheaply and instantly. the internet has revolutionized business. e-commerce enables people to do business and go shopping at home easily and econveniently.the internet plays an important role in mass education.
disadvantages:cyber-crime causes a great loss in people's property. computer viruses bring us lots of trouble. trash mail is always a nuisance to evertone.worst of all,pornography may corrupt people, especially young people.
第4个回答  2013-06-23
I think school is a good place to study,it can help us to make many good friends ,and also can help us to lean how to take good care of ourselves.school life is very interesting.we never feel lonely,because wo have so many friends and teachers to cheer us up.I never forget that my teacher has encouraged me.I love my school life so much.
反方:I don't think so .In my opinion,school life is very terrible.I don't like school uniform,because they are ugly.The food is too bad ,I don't like them in the slightest.Thears are so strict with us,I feel so busy.I find it difficult for me to study very well.I don't like school life .