

一般现在时:I plant a tree. A tree is planted.
一般过去时:I planted a tree. A tree was planted.
一般将来时: I will plant a tree. A tree will be planted.
现在进行时:I am planting a tree. A tree is being planted.
现在完成时:I have planted a tree. A tree has been planted.
过去完成时:I had planted a tree. A tree had been planted.
过去进行时:I was planting a tree. A tree was being planted.
将来进行时:I will be planting a tree. A tree will be planted.
将来完成时: I will have planted a tree. A tree will have been planted.
深夜手码 望采纳。追问


第1个回答  2013-08-17
主动语态 被动语态
一般现在时 He plants a tree. A tree is planted by him.
一般过去时 He planted a tree. A tree was planted by him.
一般将来时 He will plant a tree. A tree will be planted by him.
现在进行时 He is planting a tree. A tree is being planted by him.
过去进行时 He was planting a tree. A tree was being planted by him.
现在完成时 He has planted a tree. A tree has been planted by him.
过去完成时 He had planted a tree. A tree had been planted by him.
过去将来时 He would plant a tree. A tree would be planted by him.
现在完成进行时 He has been planting a tree. A tree has been being planted by him.

很遗憾 提交晚了 一步 但 九种时态 并不包括 将来进行时和 将来完成时:
第2个回答  2013-08-17





孩子,你把上面的句子全部换成被动的不就成了,唉——— 伤心

