

摘 要:《红楼梦》这部小说是中国古代长篇小说中最优秀的作品,它博大的思想内容和精深的艺术描写,在中国文学史上表现较为突出。其中,语言艺术创造成为文坛上一颗耀眼的明珠。作品吸取中国古典文学语言的营养,无论刻画人物、描写环境、叙述故事所用语言都是平平淡淡,却在平淡中见神奇,铸成质朴自然、生动传神、准确简洁等语言。


Arts Park in a wonderful work
talk about the language of artistic beauty in"A Dream of Red Mansions" briefly
Abstract: The novel "A Dream of Red Mansions"is the ancient Chinese novels of the most outstanding works, its breadth of content and deep thinking about the arts, the history of Chinese literature in the performance of the more prominent. Among them, creating a literary language arts on a dazzling pearl. Works of classical Chinese literary language lessons in nutrition, regardless of portrait figures, describing the environment, described by the language in the story are ordinary light, but in plain view of the magic, Zhucheng pristine natural, vivid vivid and accurate concise language, and so on.
Key words: A Dream of Red Mansions; language arts;beauty
第1个回答  2008-06-20