人工翻译。 Australians have a national holiday on january 26th to remember their origins .........

Australians have a national holiday on January 26th to remember their origins. It’s called Australia Day.。
On January 26, 1788, a team of ships landed in what is now Sydney,Australia. These ships were led by Captain Arthur Phillip and had brought many prisoners fromEngland. The prisoners on the ships were not all bad people. Many of them were arrested because the leader of the country didn’t like what they had said. And some were poor people who were arrested because they owed money. These prisoners were the first Europeans were the first people from Europe to live in Australia.
Since then, millions more have chosen Australia as their home. And wherever they are from, they all take part in celebrating Australia Day.
There are so many ways for people to celebrate Australia Day. You can take part in an activity held by the neighborhood or town., The most interesting might be the acting of Captain Arthur Phillip’s landing in Sydney. A team of ships land like the ships of Captain Arthur Phillip. You can also hold a party at home, inviting all your friends together to celebrate. On that day, people usually dress in red, white and blue, the color of the Australian flag, or paint the flag on their faces. 恩恩,这下可以了。不要翻译器翻译的。我要人工的。要不然我也不会设置高悬赏

Australians have a national holiday on January 26th to remember their origins. It’s called Australia Day.。
On January 26, 1788, a team of ships landed in what is now Sydney,Australia. These ships were led by Captain Arthur Phillip and had brought many prisoners fromEngland. The prisoners on the ships were not all bad people. Many of them were arrested because the leader of the country didn’t like what they had said. And some were poor people who were arrested because they owed money. These prisoners were the first Europeans were the first people from Europe to live in Australia.
在1788年一月二十六号,一支船队登陆了现在被称为澳大利亚悉尼的地方。这些船由Arthur Phillip 船长领导,并从英格兰带来了许多的犯人。船上的这些犯人并不全是坏人。他们当中的许多人被抓是因为英格兰的统治者不喜欢他们所说的言论。还有一些是因为欠钱被抓的穷人。这些犯人是第一批来定居在澳大利亚的来自欧洲的欧洲人。
Since then, millions more have chosen Australia as their home. And wherever they are from, they all take part in celebrating Australia Day.
There are so many ways for people to celebrate Australia Day. You can take part in an activity held by the neighborhood or town., The most interesting might be the acting of Captain Arthur Phillip’s landing in Sydney. A team of ships land like the ships of Captain Arthur Phillip. You can also hold a party at home, inviting all your friends together to celebrate. On that day, people usually dress in red, white and blue, the color of the Australian flag, or paint the flag on their faces.
第1个回答  2013-05-12
第2个回答  2013-05-12