
The parties agree that the commission fees stated are compensation for services rendered and are irrevocably and unconditionally guaranteed to be paid by the RECEIVER to the agents and intermediaries listed in this DOA by wire transfer simultaneously with the RECEIVER’s payment of 36% OR (6% in case of Lease) of the face value of the BG/SBLC as selling fee to the PROVIDER for every tranche and/or transaction of the BG/SBLC.

双方同意所述佣金为所提供服务的补偿,在此不可撤销地和无条件地,保证把该佣金,在结算每批交易,即接收方向提供方支付BG/SBLC面值的 36%(或租赁则6%)的购买费用时,立即由接收方,经电汇,支付该佣金给 DOA 中所列的代理和中间人。