
there is a interesing book for Englishman that i read giving what he thought was a reason for American character.这个句子 that i read 作book的定于从句。但是有两个be动词怎么解释

主语:there is a interesing book for Englishman that i read giving what he thought
表语:a reason for American character

在拆分主语从句there is a interesing book for Englishman that i read giving what he thought
这是个there be引导的存在句,即倒装的主系表结构(sb/sth be there)
主语:a interesing book
定语:for Englishman that i read giving what he thought
这里面又有个定语从句,先行词:book,关系代词that在定语从句that i read中做宾语,而且这个that作宾语时通常可以省略
for Englishman也是book的定语,实际上它是插入成分造成定语从句和先行词book分开了
giving what he thought是现在分词短语作Englishman的定语,短语作定语时需要后置

第1个回答  2013-10-13
there is an interesting book (...) {giving[what he thought was a reason for American character. 这是一句主语从句作give的宾语]}
第2个回答  2013-10-13