
There are lots of experience in our life . The most unforgettable one for me is the speech competition holding last year. i,m interested in English.When my English teacher told me that i had chosen to take part in speech competition,i devoted me to the preparation. i was determined to win the first prize. i was such nervous when i stood on the stage that i forgot everything. Not until i caught a sight of my teacher did i calm down. Finally,i do a good job. When i heard i got the first priza,my heart was filled in job and tears rolled down.Through this speech competiting,i understand that it is confidence which makes people successfully.

There are lots of experience in our life . The most unforgettable one for me is the speech competition holding(改为held) last year. i,m interested in English.When my English teacher told me that i had(加上been) chosen to take part in (加上the)speech competition,i devoted me(该为myself) to the preparation. i was determined to win the first prize. i was such (改为so)nervous when i stood on the stage that i forgot everything. Not until i caught a (去掉a)sight of my teacher did i calm down. Finally,i do(改为did) a good job. When i heard i got the first priza(拼写错误,应改为prize),my heart was filled in (改为with)job(改为joy) and tears rolled down.Through this speech competiting(改为competition),i understand that it is confidence which(改为that) makes people successfully.(改为successful)