

D:Good morning, Mr. Brown! What can I do for you?
B:Good morning, doctor. I don’t feel well these days.
D:What’s the trouble?
B:Well, my head hurts.
D:Your head? Where?
B:Here, the front part.
D:I see.
B:Also my left leg.
D:Well, it looks all right to me! What’s wrong with it?
B:I can’t move it!
B:And my right hand, too.
D:What’s wrong with your right hand?
B:It hurts.
D:Well, Mr. Brown. What have you been doing these days?
B:I have been writing a book. I need to finish it this month.
D:I see. I think you have been working too long in front of the computer. You must not work
so hard. You’d better rest for three days.
B:I see. You may be right. Well, thank you.
The answer are:Section 1:1 His head hurts;2 His right hand hurts;3 He can’t move his left
leg(The students can answer these in any order),Section 2:1 He must not work so hard;
第1个回答  2007-08-29
D=docter P=patient

D:What's wrong with you?
P:I am afraid I have an headache
D:Do you have a fever or snivel?
P:Well, I don't snivel but I am not sure if I have a fever.
D:It doesn't matter, let me examine first.Open your mouth and say Ah..
D:Ok, Did you eat something special yesterday?
P:No, I am afraid not.
D:Well, I think you just catch a cold.Take this medecine twice a day and drink more water.
D:Not at all.Just take it easy.You will recover soon.
第2个回答  2007-08-30
P: Doctor, I'm dying!!
D: Wow, that's really interesting, I have never seen a dying person!!
P: OMG, I can't help it, I feel my blood is running in the wrong way!
D: Ok, let me listen to your heart, it will tell me whether you are dying or not
P: Oh, I feel death! it is coming to me, and this feeling will soon take complete possesion of my body!
D: But my stethoscope told me that you are alright!
P: What? Alright? What a stupid head you have under your dirty doctor's hat! I AM DYING!!
D: Ok,ok, truth, you can just relax your body and think of other things except death, you are alright, the problem is your mind
P: Well, thank you doctor, but I just have another feeling, I'm alive!! OMG!
D(after the P got out): Shit!
第3个回答  2007-08-29
s:Excuse me.Is this the Doctor's?
d:Yes,boy,come on in.
s:I am afraid I feel not fit.
d:Oh,where do you feel sick.
s:My hands feel not good,or maybe my legs have problems.Maybe...maybe,I have to take some days to relax myself.
d:En...You have little thing.In another word,you are OK.but,could you give me a reason for the days to relax yourself?
s:Er,I am so tied to stuty hard,I can't stand and I am nearly down.So I think to come to see you before I got ill.So,don't you think I have reasongs enough to take a rest.
d:Oh,let me think.Maybe,you are right,boy.
第4个回答  2007-08-29
hi~~how's your going?
hi..i feel stomache..
go to eat some shit, that will help you
damn, that can not be treated as food, man!!
shit, you dare refuseing my reception, get out of here !!quickly!

sorry about so many wrong spelling~_~