
Hi, Emily! (you have to show me how to spell your Chinese name)
it's me alexis :)
of course i remember you!!!!!!!
I miss you very much, too <3

We did finally make it to the US. It was just a long plane ride but we
finally made it and it's good to see my dad and brother again. I wish i
could of stayed in China, but i'm glad we can stay in contact. I hope, that
day when we came in your room, we didn't cause you any trouble with your
coach. Say hi to everybody for me.

Much love from your best friend

~ Alexis

bye the way.......
it's certainly ok to write earnestly!!!!
I wouldn't want it any other way :)

Hi, Emily! 喂,艾蜜莉! (you have to show me how to spell your Chinese name) (你必须让我看怎样拼写你的汉语名字)
it's me alexis :)我alexis∶)
of course i remember you!!!!!!! 当然i 记得你! Dr.eye: ! Dr.eye: !!!!!
I miss you very much, too <3 我错过你很多,也<3

We did finally make it to the US.我们确实最后准时到达美国。 It was just a long plane ride but we 它只是一架长的飞机除了我们乘
finally made it and it's good to see my dad and brother again. 最后做它,再次看见我的爸爸和兄弟是好的。 I wish i 我希望i
could of stayed in China, but i'm glad we can stay in contact. 能呆在中国,但是i在高兴我们呆在家里接触能。 I hope, that 我希望那
day when we came in your room, we didn't cause you any trouble with your我们进入你的房间的日子,我们没引起你任何你的的麻烦
coach. 教练。 Say hi to everybody for me.为我对每人说喂。

Much love from your best friend很多从你最好的朋友那里爱

~ Alexis ~亚历克西斯

bye the way....... 再见.......
it's certainly ok to write earnestly!!!! 诚挚写当然是ok!
I wouldn't want it any other way :) 我决心不缺乏它任何其他路∶)
第1个回答  2007-07-27
你好 Emily(你应该让我知道如何拼写你的中文名字)我是ALEXIS:)——注:这是国外的一种特殊的表达,:)横这看是一个笑脸...当然,我记得你!我非常想你我们最终到达了美国,这是一个非常长的航程,但是我们最终还是到达了,我们又一次见到了爸爸和兄弟,他们都很好。我希望我可以呆在中国。我很高兴我们可以保持联系,我希望这些天,当我们来到你的家。我们没有导致你对你教练犯错误。替我向每个人说HI我得到许多爱来自你的好朋友ALEXIS顺便说一下....我写这个写得很真诚希望你也一样对我回信~~(应该是这个意思吧,我不确定哦)本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2007-07-27
嘿,慧! (你给我怎么来说明你的中文名字)的亚历克我: ) ,我当然记得你!!!!!!! 我非常怀念你,太"三,我们也终于挪到了美国. 它只是一个长久乘坐飞机,但我们终于做到了,我很高兴看到我爸和 兄弟再次. 我想我可以继续留在中国,但我很高兴我们能保持联系. 我希望,有一天我们来到你的房间,我们没有对你造成任何麻烦与你的教练. 寒喧大家的话. 多爱你最好的朋友~ 55/22轮空方式....... 这当然好写认真! ! ! ! 我不希望有任何其他方式: )
第3个回答  2007-07-27