

第1个回答  2011-03-30
As one of the important characteristics of modern commercial society,advertisement has permeated into almost every corner of our world,and it is gradually becoming a necessary part of our daily life.When you read newspapers and magazines at home,or listen to the radio,watch TV,or walk on the street,sit in a bus,you will encounter different sorts and forms of advertisements without exception.
第2个回答  2011-03-30
Advertisement, as one of the important characteristics of the modern commercial society ,which has already seeped into every corner of the society,has been a inseparable important component in our daily life.No matter you're staying at home,reading newspaper ,listening to the radio,watching TV,or walking in the street,sitting in a bus,you will encounter all sorts of different forms of advertising without exception.

第3个回答  2011-03-30
advertisement,as one of the most typical of modern commercial community. It has been seen in everywhere and became an important part of our daily life. You can see advertisement here and there,no matter reading newspapers and magazines at home,listening to the radio,watching or walking in the street,sitting in a bus.
第4个回答  2011-03-30
As one of the most outstanding features in the modern commercial society,advertisement has already penetrated into every corner of society, gradually becoming an essencial part in man's dailly life. U will definitely come across various kinds of ads when reading newspapers or magazines , listening to the vedio, watching television at home, or walking along th streets, or sitting in a bus.本回答被提问者采纳