

第1个回答  2011-08-01
敢不敢列出来? 每次问到这些问题,托儿就开始避实击虚,避重就轻,转移话题,避而不答了,下面等着宁诺托儿们的好戏!
回答者: 野渣鸡渣大渣学 5渣毛渣党 | 2011-8-1 09:09



再引: 据英国广播公司报道,英国科学家发明了一种像牙膏般的“注入式骨质”物料,无须手术,可注射入骨折部分,几分钟内就会硬化,形成一个生物所能分解的支架,让自己的骨骼生长。


再引:Two leading academics at The University of Nottingham have been admitted as Fellows of the Royal Academy of Engineering.

Hai-Sui Yu, Professor of Geotechnical Engineering and Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Paul Shayler, Ford Professor and Professor of Mechanical Engineering, have joined a total of 59 new Fellows of the Academy who represent the most eminent names in the profession from the UK and overseas.

Professor David Greenaway, Vice-Chancellor of The University of Nottingham, said: “This is an outstanding achievement for both Professor Yu and Professor Shayler and reflects their outstanding contributions to Engineering in the UK and beyond.”


再引:A University of Nottingham scientist who uses fruit flies to study the genetics of cancer has won a prestigious award from Cancer Research UK.

Dr Marios Georgiou, lecturer in cell biology in the University’s School of Biomedical Sciences, has been awarded a five year Career Establishment Award of £600,000. The award is given every year to new investigators who are set to become the eminent cancer scientists of the future.

Cancer Research UK has awarded a total of £12 million (1千2百万英镑,气死你) to ten exceptional researchers across the country to develop their careers and to support future exciting discoveries which will allow more people to beat cancer than ever before.

最近的一项: A new material that can retain and release heat according to specific temperature requirements could make a significant difference to the cost of heating and cooling buildings, scientists say.

Researchers based at The University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) believe their invention — which could be used in existing structures as well as new builds — could offer considerable energy savings.
The novel non-deformed energy storage phase change material (PCM) has the unique advantage of possessing a larger energy storage capacity with faster thermal response than existing materials and could be cheaply manufactured.
If, for example, the required optimum temperature in a room is 22°C, the material can be fixed so that it starts absorbing any excess heat above that temperature.

The heat-regulating material, devised by researchers at the University’s Centre for Sustainable Energy Technologies, could be applied anywhere, from walls and roofs to wallpaper.

The material looks like a circular tablet with the circumference of a large coin in the laboratory. It can be manufactured in a variety of shapes and sizes, including so small that it can be sprayed as an unobtrusive microscopic film to surfaces.

The building material was recently awarded a patent application approval in China and patent applications are in the pipeline in other countries.

The scientists responsible for the breakthrough are project leader Professor Jo Darkwa, who is Director of the Centre for Sustainable Energy Technologies, Research Associate Oliver Su and, PhD student Tony Zhou.

Professor Darkwa said: “The construction industry produces more carbon emissions than any other industry in the world — even more than aviation. In China, the building sector is one of the highest energy consuming sectors, accounting for about 30 per cent of total energy usage and also a significant proportion of pollutant emissions.

“This material, if widely used, could make a major impact in the world’s efforts to reduce carbon emission.”

The basic structure of the material has to be engineered for a specific temperature before it is used. The next developmental steps will include creating material which can be used for both heating and cooling applications.

“The material won’t make air-conditioners obsolete, because you still need an air conditioner to control humidity and air movement. This material purely reduces the amount of excessive heat energy in a room,” said Professor Darkwa.

The University is looking to develop the material further as well as commercialise it and already has a number of sponsors and partners involved in the research, including the Ningbo Science and Technology Bureau — which provided important funding and support for the initial two-year research — and private companies based in China.

The material could potentially save up to 35 per cent of energy in a building and scientists believe it could also be used in solar panels and LED (light-emitting diode) lighting to enhance the efficiency of these alternative energy-generating technologies.

Also on the cards for further research at UNNC are:
• Exploring which types of paints can be used with the unique material
• Studies to determine the long-term environmental impacts of the use of the materials
• Ways to improve the production of the material to enhance cost efficiency and ensure the process is environmentally-friendly
The scientists at the Centre for Sustainable Energy Technologies, meanwhile, are involved in various other projects aimed at finding ways to reduce the global carbon footprint emitted by the world’s buildings.

Professor Darkwa and Dr David Chow, who leads the Architectural Environment Engineering degree programme, have played a major role in work behind new building regulation laws in Ningbo, China. Building developers in the city are compelled to include at least one sustainable energy technology, among other steps, to reduce any environmental harm associated with construction.

China’s national government is on a major drive to improve the country’s environmental track record and the University’s scientists are increasingly involved in making recommendations to policy makers at the highest levels.

In October, UNNC will be the site of China’s second international symposium on low carbon buildings when scientists, researchers, government officials and practitioners will gather to present and discuss recent research outputs and demonstration projects.

Professor Nabil Gindy, Vice-Provost for Research and Dean of the Graduate School at UNNC, said: “The University’s strategic investment in research infrastructure to facilitate the advancement of knowledge in sustainable energy technologies is reaping rewards.

“We are very proud of the research excellence of this particular team of scientists, who have proven to be world-class specialists in the field of sustainable energy technologies. The University of Nottingham has a longstanding commitment to the global environmental agenda,” he said.
The University’s cutting-edge research feeds into all teaching programmes and PhD students, like Mr Zhou, also get the opportunity to make valuable contributions to the advancement of science, he noted.

Professor Gindy said: “Vital for our scientific progress here, too, is the huge support we receive from the Ningbo city authorities, who also recognise the importance of minimising environmental harm and placing sustainability at the forefront of all endeavours.

“We are, of course, also grateful for assistance from our research collaborators at other universities and in the private sector,” he said.

The research project was supported through grants from organisations that including the Ningbo government, KK Chung Educational Group, Hong Kong-based Sustainable Sourcing Ltd and China’s Suntech Ltd.

第2个回答  2011-08-03
敢不敢列出来? 每次问到这些问题,托儿就开始避实击虚,避重就轻,转移话题,避而不答了,下面等着宁诺托儿们的好戏!
回答者: 热心网友 | 2011-8-1 09:09
近日,我校可持续能源技术研究中心主任乔大宽(Jo Darkwa)教授、副研究员苏伟光以及博士生周彤宇共同研究出一种节能建筑材料,通过利用这种建筑材料的建筑比一般建筑要少消耗三分之一的能源,这一项科学研究对于节能环保意义重大。



目前,该建筑材料已在国内申请专利,预计结果将于近期揭晓,而在其他国家的专利申请工作也正在筹备之中。政府部门和国内多家单位合作参与了此项目的研发,并为项目提供资金支持,其中包括宁波市政府、宁波市科技局、钟健国教育基金会、sustainable sourcing有限公司香港分公司和无锡尚德太阳能电子有限公司等。


第3个回答  2011-07-29
第4个回答  2011-08-09
宁诺法律地位:独立法人 (确实如此,高于非独立法人,高于合作项目)
宁诺录取标准:不是一本不要的勒 (确实如此,另加英语要求)
宁诺学校声誉:zj最脚踏实地最有本事,还国际化(确实如此,老师是外教、外国学生多、高出国率) 回答者: 热心网友 | 2011-8-8 06:32
我只是觉得 它作为一所仍是试验品的学校,公关工作做的太过了。当然,这个工作不做好,怎么找的到学生呢。