

Ingredients: 1 egg white, 500g grass carp(主料:蛋清1个、草鱼片500克)

Seasoning: 5 grams of starch, 8 ml of oil, appropriate amount of ginger, appropriate amount of onion

500 grams of sauerkraut, 3 grams of chicken powder, 5 grams of soy sauce, 1 gram of pepper


Practice steps:(做法步骤:)

1、Prepare an egg white, fill the fish fillet with starch and egg white, and marinate it evenly.(准备一个蛋清,鱼片放入淀粉、蛋清搅拌均匀进行腌制)

2、Pan the oil, add ginger, garlic, sauerkraut 500g, stir fry(起锅烧油,放入姜丝、蒜、酸菜500g,大火翻炒)

3、Boil the water, add the fried sauerkraut, chicken powder 3g, soy sauce 5g, pepper 1g, in the marinated fillets


4、Medium and small fire for 6 minutes(中小火煮6分钟)

5、Put the right amount of pepper, pepper, onion, hot oil(在放入适量的辣椒,花椒、葱段,热油适量)

6、Go out to eat.(出锅即可食用。)

第1个回答  推荐于2017-10-15
1.牛肉切片, 用少许盐、料酒、淀粉拌匀上浆,
Beef slices, with a little salt, cooking wine, cornstarch sizing,
2.生菜洗净掰开 ,下锅略微焯下水,捞出垫在碗底,
Wash lettuce and break apart them, boil the lettuce in the water slightly, remove the pad at the bottom of the bowl,
3.蒜苗切段,葱、 姜、蒜切片,干辣椒切段,
Cut onions, garlic bolt, ginger, garlic slices, dried pepper into sections,
4.将食用油烧热, 加入豆瓣酱、葱、姜、蒜、干辣椒煸香,烹入料酒、酱油,加入一大碗开水,稍煮,捞净豆瓣酱的渣子,
The edible oil is heaten, add bean paste, onions, ginger, garlic, dried chili stir fried, cooked into the cooking wine, soy sauce, add a bowl of water, slightly boiled, fishing net bean sauce dregs,
5.汤汁烧开后, 把牛肉 片放入锅中, 再放进蒜苗、盐、味精,水再次烧开后即可倒在生菜上。
The soup is boiled, put the piece of beef into the pot, and then into the garlic, salt, monosodium glutamate and water again is com pletely burned . The beef can be inverted in lettuce.
第2个回答  2014-02-22
shuizhu niurou:yunyong qiadangde huohoulai zhuniurou。very good!本回答被提问者采纳