
假如你叫李明,你的英国笔友Tom现在在北京的一所大学学习汉语。为了更好地了解中国文化,他打算到学校附近的一家餐馆去打一份零工。下周他要去面试了,请你给他发一份电子邮件,交待一些面试时应注意的事项。邮件应包含如下要点: 1. 提前10到15分钟到达面试地点; 2. 礼貌地对待所遇到的每一个人; 3. 不要嚼口香糖 (chew gum)或者带有烟味; 4. 准备一些可能在面试时要回答的问题; 5. 祝他好运。注意:1. 词数:120左右; 2. 不可逐条翻译。必要时可增加细节或过渡句,使文章自然紧凑。

Dear Tom,
I’m glad that you will have a job interview next week. Here I’d like to give you some tips for the interview.
   I suggest you go to the interview 10 to 15 minutes early because being late is considered to be impolite on such an occasion. Also, remember to be polite to everyone you meet, so as to make a good impression. It’s not a good idea to arrive at the interview smelling, or to chew gum in the interview room. So do remember not to smoke or chew gum. In addition, you can prepare some suitable answers to the questions that you may be asked during the interview.
Good luck for your interview.
Yours sincerely,
Li Ming
