
英文名称:Terms of Endearment

该片是一部旨在以人生酸甜苦辣来诠释母女复杂亲情关系的温馨小品。内容讲述一对深爱着对方的母女罗拉和艾玛,孀居的中年妇女罗拉溺爱女儿艾玛,但又有些主观、专横,对艾玛的事干涉过多。艾玛渴望过独立生活,与英语教师汤姆斯·霍顿结婚后,搬到另一个城市居住。后来,罗拉与住在隔壁的退休宇航员加勒特·布列德洛弗产生了感情,身心变得年轻起来,可以和艾玛象姐妹一样互相沟通,但不久艾玛被癌症夺去了生命,直到临终之际艾玛才发现自己对母亲的亲情无法让她释怀和割舍。本片被认为是80年代最感人肺腑的影片之一。 影片情节感人,思想深刻,是一部不可多得的好作品。


*********************Terms of Endearment *******************

This movie interprets, in a soothing way, the complicated endearment between mother and daughter, based on the happy, sad,embarassed moment of the life.
This movie talks about Mother Lora and Daughter Amma, they love each other deeply. The widowed and middle aged lady Lora,dotes on her daughter Ama. but the mother is somewhat subjective,dominant , and interfere too much with Ama's business.

Ama longs for a solitude life,and after the marrige with an English teacher Tomas-Huston, has moved to another city.
And later, Lora falls in love with a retired astraunaut Gallet-Bradlo who lived the next door, and lora became mentally younger and she can communicate with Ama like sisters.
But soon, Ama was killed by the cancer. at the moment of her death, Ama started to discover the endearment between her mother and she, was so unforgetable and indispensable.
本片被认为是80年代最感人肺腑的影片之一。 影片情节感人,思想深刻,是一部不可多得的好作品。
This moves is regarded as one of the most touching film in 1980's. The movie has a moving story and the profound meaning.It's nonetheless, a good masterpiece.
第1个回答  2008-11-08
The film is a bittersweet life, aims to interpret the complex mother-daughter relationship between the family's short warm. About the contents of a pair of love each other a mother and her daughter Emma and Laura, a middle-aged women, widowhood Laura doting daughter Emma, but some subjective and arbitrary, Emma matter too much interference.Emma desire to lead an independent life, and English teachers married Thomas Horton, moved to another city to live. Later, Laura and live next door out of retirement Jialetebu De Luofu astronauts have had feelings of the young become physically and mentally, and Emma can communicate with each other as sisters, but soon Emma was killed cancer Life until dying at a time when Emma found his mother's family could not let go and let her Shihuai.The film is considered to be 80 one of the most moving film. Movie plot moving and profound ideas, is a rare good works.