大神们,翻译一下论文,汉译英,不要机器翻译的,万分感谢! 吸水量是以14%的水分为基准,每300


吸水量是以14%的水分为基准,每300g小麦粉在粉质仪中揉和成最大稠度为500BU的面团所需要的水量。由表1可以看出,随着菊糖添加量的增加,面团的吸水率在逐渐降低,可能由于菊糖含有一些低分子量的糖和低聚糖,降低了面团的稠度 [8]。

Water is 14% of the amount of water as a benchmark, per 300 g flour in opaque instrument amalgamated into a maximum consistency of 500 bu the amount of water needed to the dough. Can be seen from table 1, along with the inulin, with the increase of adding amount of dough is bibulous rate is lower, probably because of inulin contains some of the low molecular weight sugars and oligosaccharides, reduces the consistency of dough.
Dough formation time is flour from water to powder mass curve of the time required to achieve maximum consistency. Required for kneading dough formation time and the time is longer, so, the formation of the dough, the longer the greater of thews dough. The stable time of the dough during dough rub up refers to opaque curve peak before fellowship with 500 fu line for the first time, and then the second curve to 500 fu line and leave the line of intersection and the time difference value of two node corresponding stable time. The longer the dough stability time, dough thews stronger. The weakening degree refers to the dough formed opaque consistency decay curve of maximum consistency center line and the dough to 12 min as opaque curve of the center line value difference. The smaller the degree of weakening, the stronger the gluten.
The table 1 shows that with the increase of the amount of added inulin, formation time and stability time, dough are gradually increasing, the weakening of the dough degree decreases. Of inulin to make dough thews, probably because, inulin and gluten network interaction, at the same time, inulin and the interaction between inulin, boosting the gluten thews.
第1个回答  2016-04-12
第2个回答  2016-04-12
oh~ 好专业啊 望而却步。。。