get married是什么意思?


一,be married to是代表一种将来要发生的是,看有be不是,将要结婚,这种结婚只是说说而已,将来结不结还不知道呢.所以,没决定要结婚之前就用be married to.也就是没定婚的时候用的.
二,get married with 是一种正在发生的事情,也就是这样的意思,比如,2个人已经决定要结婚了,这是事实上的结婚,是固定的了,那就用get married with .也就是已经定了婚用的.
拓展资料 :
1. to marry
(someone) 嫁、娶某人
《解释》是嫁、娶某人、跟某人结婚的意思。和中文不同,marry 之後并不须要加像 with 或 to
【误】: She married with John last year. 她去年和 John 结婚。
【误】: She
married to John last year. 她去年嫁给 John 了。
【正】: She married John last year.
她去年嫁给 John 了。
2. to get married to (someone) 嫁给、娶了某人
《解释》嫁给、娶了某人的意思。因为我们中文总说「跟」某人结婚,所以很多同学自然很习惯地想用 with 这个字。
【误】: She got married with someone named Frank. 她和一个叫 Frank
【正】: She got married to someone named Frank. 她嫁给一个叫 Frank 的人。
3. to get married 结婚
《解释》提到结婚,如果要用 marry 这个字,之後总要加 someone,表示嫁娶某人。不然就要用 to get
married 这个片语来表示结婚这件事的发生。
【误】: My best friend married last weekend. 我最好的朋友上个周末结婚了。
My best friend got married last weekend. 我最好的朋友上个周末结婚了。
4. to be

married 结婚了
《解释》是结婚了的意思, 一种状态的表示。
【误】: I married. 我已经结婚了。
【正】: I am married. 我已经结婚了。
5. to be

married (to someone) 与某人结婚了
【误】: I have married my wife for nearly 20 years.
【误】: I
have been married with my wife for nearly 20 years.
【正】: I've been married to
my wife for nearly 20 years.
另外,有一个片语叫 to be married with
【例】: She's married with children to Joey. 她和 Joey