

Self-introduction Good morning! I am very pleased to attend the interview. 首先我自我介绍一下. First of all I introduce myself. 我叫宾顺平,今年22岁,我来自广西桂林――一个很美丽的城市. My name is Bin Shun Ping, 22 years old, I am from Guilin, Guangxi - a very beautiful city. 2010年我毕业于云南司法警官职业学院. 2010, I graduated from Yunnan Vocational College of Judicial Police.
作为一名警察是我从小以来的梦想,我喜欢警察的威风,喜欢警察的气度,更喜欢警察的无私奉献的精神! As a police officer is my dream since childhood, I like the police power and prestige, like the police's tolerance, more like the police, the spirit of selfless dedication! 今天是个机会,空中乘警或许能让我如愿以偿。 Today is an opportunity, the air marshals may make that happened. 因为在我多年的努力下,我具备了实现我的梦想的条件与能量: Because in my many years of efforts, I have to realize my dream of the conditions and energy:
首先,警官学院的三年学习让我具备了从事空中乘警的基本要求,例如:良好的心理素质、健康的身体、灵活的头脑以及快速的应变处理突发事件的能力. First, the Police Academy to learn the three years I have engaged in air marshals are the basic requirements, such as: good psychological quality, healthy body, mind flexible and rapid response capacity to deal with emergency cases.
其次,我非常的喜欢武术,武术散打是我的特长,武术能让我拥有一个健康的体魄,能让我永远保持对工作的热情,这更为我从事空中乘警工作增添了一臂之力! Secondly, I do love the martial arts, Wushu is my specialty, martial arts let me have a healthy body, allow me to always maintain enthusiasm for work, this is more I work in air marshals added to lend a hand!
最后,我对空中乘警工作非常的感兴趣,这个岗位虽然平凡但它却承载着伟大的使命,它需要具备极强的责任心和热情,但我有足够的信心做好这份工作! Finally, I work on the air marshals are very interested in this position although the ordinary but it carries a great mission, it needs to have a very strong sense of responsibility and enthusiasm, but I have enough confidence to do the job! 我是个性格开朗的人,而且还是个细心的人,在学校经常与同学互帮互助,共同学习,共同进步。 I am a cheerful person, but also a caring person, often with students in the school help each other, learn together and progress. 在大学期间的学习和实践让我掌握了作为乘警的基本技能、良好的社会适应能力及学习能力,我相信再通过一定时间的空中乘警专业化培训,我想我会完全胜任这份工作。 In the university study and practice I mastered the basic skills as marshals, good social adaptation and learning ability, I believe a certain time and through specialized training of air marshals, I think I will be fully qualified for the job. 如果我有这个机会成为空中乘警,我相信我一定能成长为最优秀的空中乘警中的一分子! If I had the opportunity to become air marshals, I believe I will be able to grow in the best part of the air marshals!
如果这次我实现不了我的梦想,我真诚的希望各位领导能给予我引导、教育与支持。 I realize if this can not my dream, I sincerely hope that leaders can give me guidance, education and support.
非常感谢! Thanks!
第1个回答  2010-05-15
Good morning! I was very glad to attend the interview. First I introduce myself. My name is Penn, this year on, 22, I come from guangxi guilin -- a very beautiful city. 2010 I graduated from yunnan judicial police academy.
A policeman is since my childhood dream, I like, like the police police police more like the bearing, the spirit of selfless devotion! Today's opportunity, air marshals may let I fulfiled. Because in my years of efforts, I have realized my dream of conditions and energy:
Firstly, the police academy of learning to let me have three basic requirements in air marshals, for example: good psychological quality, the health of body and mind and rapid strain handling emergencies.
Secondly, I really like martial arts, wushu sanda is my specialty, martial arts can let me have a healthy body, can let me keep on working enthusiasm, the more I engaged in air marshals the work.
Finally, I work on air marshals are very interested in this job, but it's extraordinary while carrying a great mission, it needs to have strong responsibility and enthusiastic, but I have enough confidence to do this job! I am an open-minded person, but also a careful, often with students in the school study together, self-help, common progress. In university period of study and practice, let me master as the basic skills, good guard the social adaptation ability and learning ability, and I believe that through the certain time air marshals professional training, I think I will fully qualified for the job. If I have the chance to become air marshals, I believe I can grow as the most excellent air marshals of a molecular!
If I don't realize my dream, I sincerely hope you can give me guide, education and support.
Thank you very much!
第2个回答  2010-05-15
Good morning! I am very happy to be participating in this interview. First, I introduce myself. My name is Bin Shun Ping, 22 years old, I am from Guilin, Guangxi - a very beautiful city. 2010, I graduated from Yunnan Vocational College of Judicial Police.

As a policeman is my dream since childhood, I like the police power and prestige, like the police bearing, more like the police, the spirit of selfless dedication! Today is an opportunity, the air marshals may make that happened. Because in my many years of efforts, I have to realize my dream of the conditions and capabilities.

Secondly, I do love the martial arts, Wushu is my specialty, martial arts let me have a healthy body, allow me to always maintain enthusiasm for work, this is more I work in air marshals added to lend a hand!

Finally, I work on the air marshals are very interested in this position although the ordinary but it carries a great mission, it needs to have a very strong sense of responsibility and enthusiasm, but I have enough confidence to do the job! I am a cheerful person, and was a caring person, often with students in the school help each other, learn together and progress. In the university study and practice I mastered the basic skills as marshals, good social adaptation and learning ability, I believe a certain time and through specialized training of air marshals, I think I will be fully qualified for the job. If I had the opportunity to become air marshals, I believe I will be able to grow in the best part of the air marshals!

If not this time I realized my dream, I sincerely hope you can give me to guide leadership, education and support.
第3个回答  2010-05-15

Good morning! I am very happy to be participating in this interview. First, I introduce myself. My name is Bin Shun Ping, 22 years old, I am from Guilin, Guangxi - a very beautiful city. 2010, I graduated from Yunnan Vocational College of Judicial Police.

As a police officer is my dream since childhood, I like the police power and prestige, like the police's tolerance, more like the police, the spirit of selfless dedication! Today is an opportunity, the air marshals may make that happened. Because in my many years of efforts, I have to realize my dream of the conditions and energy:

First, the Police Academy to learn the three years I have engaged in air marshals are the basic requirements, such as: good psychological quality, healthy body, mind flexible and rapid response capacity to deal with emergency cases.

Secondly, I do love the martial arts, Wushu is my specialty, martial arts let me have a healthy body, allow me to always maintain enthusiasm for work, this is more I work in air marshals added to lend a hand!

Finally, I work on the air marshals are very interested in this position although the ordinary but it carries a great mission, it needs to have a very strong sense of responsibility and enthusiasm, but I have enough confidence to do the job! I am a cheerful person, but also a careful man, often with students in the school help each other, learn together and progress. In the university study and practice I mastered the basic skills as marshals, good social adaptability and learning ability, I am sure that the air marshals by a certain time professional training, I think I will be fully qualified for the job. If I had the opportunity to become air marshals, I believe I will be able to grow in the best part of the air marshals!

If not this time I realized my dream, I sincerely hope that leaders can give me guidance, education and support.