
3 泵送剂应用注意事项

第1个回答  2010-06-15
(1). Pumping agent content should be used according to different strength grade of concrete at different application scope and determine, conventional content of 0.3% ~ 0.8 per cent. Liquid containing solid quantity discount or by the appropriate dosage.
(2).Pumping agent can be directly used mixed powder, also can use a solution. When using mixed powder, coarse screening besides agglomerate, extension and mixing time.
(3).Pumping agent of silicate cement, ordinary Portland cement, coal ash Portland cement, etc, to effectively by cement special test after use.
(4).Transportation and storage should avoid damp, damp agglomerate performance can be equipped with constant into solution.
(5).Mixing process to strictly control the pumping agent, suitable for mixing method, the mixing time, accompany with shorter time, transport and parking.
第2个回答  2010-06-15
3.pump application considerations

1) pumping aid amount should be based on the use of different strength grade of concrete and determine the scope of application of different conventional addition to 0.3 ~ 0.8. Liquid by what is the conversion or through the test to determine the appropriate amount.

2)directly with pumping aid powder used, can be equipped with a solution. Powder mixed with use, Ying Shai except for coarse - grained and caking extended mixing time.

3) pumping aid on Portland cement and Portland Cement and Portland fly - ash cement were effective, on special cement required test for later use.

4) transport and storage should avoid dampness, moisture - caking property invariant distribution solution after use.

5) mixing in the process of pumping agent dosage under strict control, adding method of selecting the appropriate and suitable for mixing time, with accompanying to shorten the transportation and parking time.本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2010-06-15
1) pumping aid amount should be based on the use of different strength grade of concrete and determine the scope of application of different conventional addition to 0.3 ~ 0.8. Liquid by what is the conversion or through the test to determine the appropriate amount.

2)directly with pumping aid powder used, can be equipped with a solution. Powder mixed with use, Ying Shai except for coarse - grained and caking extended mixing time.

3) pumping aid on Portland cement and Portland Cement and Portland fly - ash cement were effective, on special cement required test for later use.

4) transport and storage should avoid dampness, moisture - caking property invariant distribution solution after use.

5) mixing in the process of pumping agent dosage under strict control, adding method of selecting the appropriate and suitable for mixing time, with accompanying to shorten the transportation and parking time.