请帮忙翻译 给老外发邮件


Dear NAME,
I'm writing to you to appeal for my domain name "yslf.org" that has been taken back by you on 28th January.
A few days ago, I've asked one of my acquaintances to register the domain name "yslf.org" for me. However the domain name was taken back on 28th January. I have no idea why my domain name was taken back. One possible reason for that could be that the money in the PayPal of the people who helped me to register the domain was suspicious.
My website has been locked for a few days and I’m extremely anxious these days. The website is very important for me and I have made great effort to build this website. I, therefore, would humbly request you give me a chance to delete the previous domain and register again. I promise on my honor that things like this will never happen again. (P.S. My account name registered in NAME is yangjinghao.) Thank you very much and looking forward to your early reply.
Yours sincerely,
第1个回答  2010-02-01
several days ago,i made my friend register a domain name(yslf.org),but late in 28th last month,my domain name
was retract,maybe because the money in my friend's paypal is not rightful.
i'm sorry,but would you mind if you could cancel my domain name,and i'll register another name,i'll be very tankful if you could help me,i'll say that it will never happen again
i am so nervious now,my website is out of wok for several days~
my nanme in NAME is "yangjinghao"
thank you~
第2个回答  2010-02-02
A few days ago, I've asked someone to register the domain name "yslf.org" for me, but it was taken back on 28th. The origin of that person's money in the paypal is suspicious, so I've asked them to delete that domain and I'll register again. This will never happen again. The website has been unusable for quite a few days already, and I'm pretty anxious for that. My account in NAME is yanglinghao. Thank you very much!