巴斯克维尔的猎犬 简介(英文)


巴斯克维尔的猎犬简介(英文):It tells the mysterious legend of the "Devil's Big Hound" that has been circulating in the Baskerville family for three hundred years.


As legend has it, Sir Charles died in a swamp not far from London. In addition, there are many films of the same name.






第1个回答  2010-02-10
A huge black creature? Where is the igmage of "The Hound" come from?The fearsome of "The Hound" in "The Hound of Baskervilles are based on the legend of Black Shuck - a huge hound with terrifying eyes, (flaming eyes, red eyes..)who is said to prowl the coastline of North Norfolk.

Ghost hunters long to track down a spectre, they try to figure out detaily the feature of "Black shuck" but there is one "spooky image they hope never to come face-to-face with. Black Shuck, the hell hound reputed to roam the East Anglian coastline, is said to bring death within the year to anyone who dares to look into his flaming eyes."

The Black Dog is a name usually given to "public houses" - conjuring up images of a faithful hound which always at his master's side. However, the name more likely signifies gigantic , a snarling red-eyed hound from Hell or 'Black Shuck'.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2013-02-26
of “the hound of the Baskervilles”

is a morning, Doctor Mortimer come to Sherlock Holmes’s house with a mysterious
script from a dead one, Charles Baskervilles. The content in the script
describe a story about the ancestor of the Baskervilles in hundred years ago.
They are very bad that killed by the hound. Since then, the descendents of the
Baskervilles all get the curse that killed by the hound; and died in a strange

Sherlock is not interested in the case and regards it as a rumor, but when
Doctor Mortimer describes the death of Charles Baskervilles, Sherlock is
attracted. This “curse” threatens the life of the next heir, Henry

arranges for Watson to investigate the manor of the Baskervilles with Henry
Baskerville. During this time, Watson encounters a lot eccentric things, such
as the bawl of a woman at midnight; and he finds a part of letter from Charles.
Then he meets Sherlock while he is trying to leave.

order to clarify the secret of the hound, and the strange things of the
Baskervilles, Sherlock hide in the wetland deliberately. And the killer then
mistakenly killed an outlaw who wears the dress of Henry Baskervilles, this
event verify the deduction by Sherlock.

the real killer Stapleton who is named Roger Baskervilles, a son of Charles’s
youngest brother is found. People used to think the outlaw Roger, the youngest
brother died in South America; however, he was not and had a baby called Roger
Baskervilles, too, which is known as Stapleton. In order to inherit a big mount
of property of the Baskervilles, he tried to kill the heir Henry; because he
knows if Charles and Henry died, he will be the next heir, so he take an
advantage of the legend of the hound killed his relatives. He terrified old
Charles and made he die, then, he was trying to let a cur to kill Henry.
Nevertheless, Sherlock see through his trick and killed that cur with Watson
and police man.

flee from them and died in the wetland.(Arthur Conan Doyle)