

casy 卡西 例句与用法 The family asked jim casy to go with them 这家人请吉姆?凯西和他们一道走。 Small size , casy to operate , and convenient to move , it can be put beside the sickbed and disinfect the bed unit and the room directly 体积小、易操作,便于移动。能在病床边同时对床单位及房间直接消毒。 Made according to the technology introduced from american r . s company , wity advanced structure , low vibrating noisc , casy to repair and long service life 本系列筛机为直线运动,引进美国r . s公司技术制造,具有结构先进、振动噪音小、易于维修、坚固耐用特点。 Jingyi xinyu diamond co . , ltd . is situtatcd inthe casy _ rcach area on the south of yangtze river , ncar taihu lake and next to shanghai nanjing expressway 我公司位于长江之南,太湖之滨,地处沪宁高速会路中心地带,自古以来就是江南“鱼米之乡” 。条件优越,交通十分便利。 He ' d met marc andreessen , who as an undergraduate programmer had helped create the then obscure browsing software mosaic , which made it casy to navigate the world wide web 他和马克.安德里森见了面,安德里森在大学读电脑时候,帮忙设计了当时尚默默无闻的“马赛克”浏览软件,可在万维中国中轻松寻找资讯
第1个回答  2017-04-10
n. 卡西(姓氏);
[例句]On the way he met Jim casy an expreacher;