写信给国外的朋友让他帮我找房子 英语作文


Dear Tom,
How are you doing recently? I hope you are doing great.
It is heard that you are going to come to China for work. I am glad that I can help you. I found an apartment for you, which is located in downtown area. The apartment is 80 square meters, with a nice neighborhood and daylighting. The traffic is also very convenient and there is supermarket and hospital nearby. I hope you will like this apartment.
Look forward to your response.
Dec. 30, 2011
第1个回答  2019-09-26
Dear friend
Thank you for agreeing to help me out when I’m away on holiday. I’m so grateful you could spare the time to look after my apartment when I’m away. I thought I’d write to you to give you some details about what I need you to do and to let you know how to contact me if you need to.
Firstly, it would be great if you could water the plants every other day.
Secondly, the garbage truck arrives every Thursday morning and please do not mix up recyclable wastes with other wastes.
finally, If you need to contact me, my mobile phone will remain switched on throughout my holiday, if I am not available, please leave a voicemail and I will call you back.
I have packed the refrigerator with food for you. The house is all there for you to enjoy.
Thank you so much for your help.
best regard