

Chinese literature, Lu Xun is an immortal monument to do his pen knife, directed at the enemy's heart.(鲁迅先生是中国文坛一座不朽的丰碑,他用笔做刀子,直指敌人的心脏。)

His first name was Zhsangshoss ,1898 onwards renamed the tree, in 1918 published "Diary of a Madman" at the beginning to use the name of Lu Xun. Zhejiang Shaoxing people. He has broad interests since childhood reading, book groups Expo. Imprison after his grandfather, his father died of illness in Nanjing in 1898 to obtain Jiangnan Seaman College Annual earnings and the attached Jiangnan Army College School of Mines Railway. 1902 went to Japan to study after graduation, he entered the Tokyo Institute ZTS general Jiangnan classes, Sendai medical expertise into schools in 1904. 1920-1926 respectively at the Beijing University, Beijing Normal University and other schools to teach women. devoted to the research and teaching history of Chinese fiction, and published the "History of Chinese fiction". (本名周樟寿,1898年起改名树人,1918年发表《狂人日记》时始用笔名鲁迅。浙江绍兴人。他自幼阅读兴趣广泛,博览群书。后因祖父下狱、父亲病逝,家道中落,于1898年到南京考取江南水师学堂,次年改入江南陆师学堂附设的矿务铁路学堂。1902年毕业后赴日本留学,入东京弘文学院普通科江南班学习,1904年入仙台医学专门学校。1920—1926年先后在北京大学、北京女子师范大学等校任教,致力于研究和讲授中国小说史,并出版了《中国小说史略》。)
第1个回答  2006-12-23
去百度有英文输 如Lu Xun

Lu Xun Lives in People's heart

Lu Xun died 65 years ago, but his literature and thought still receive great attention and his popularity appears unlikely to die out.

“His works do not belong only to one nation, but are of global value,'' Feng Tie, a Chinese scholar now living in Germany, told a recent international academic symposium on ``The World of Lu Xun and the Lu Xun of the World.''

Lu Xun, born in Shaoxing County in Zhejiang Province on September 25, 1881, was one of the country's greatest thinkers and man of letter in the 20th century. He died in 1936.

Lu wrote a number of literary classics, including ¨°The True Story of Ah Q,`` `A Madman's Diary,`` ``Kong Yiji'' and ``Medicine,'' which exposed the ugly side of human nature and emancipated people's minds.

When he was alive, his works stood out like a lighthouse, providing a guiding light for perplexed Chinese youths who were passionate about China's future, Xinhua news agency said.

After he passed away, Japanese found out from his works the strength to rejuvenate their country, which was shattered during World War II.

Over the past decades, thousands of experts and scholars around the world have studied his works from almost every possible angle, such as culture, psychology, arts, linguistics, the outlook of love and the attitude toward life.

In China, studies of Lu Xun have flourished into a special academic field, which holds such a position that it can be paralleled to that of the ¨Dream of the Red Mansion,`` which is one of the country's four classical literature masterpieces.

Lu Xun's works have been translated into such languages as English, Russian, German, and Korean and distributed throughout the world.

第2个回答  2006-12-23
Lu Xun introduces
Chinese modern great writer, thinker and revolutionary. Old name Zhou Shuren, character Henan talent, Zhejiang Shaoxing person. Was born in 1881. In 1902 went to Japan to study abroad, the original study medicine, latter was engaged in the literary and artistic work, attempted with by to change the national spirit. In May, 1918, first time used "Lu Xun" the pen name, published in the Chinese modern literature the first vernacular novel "Diary of a Madman", has established the new-vernacular literature movement cornerstone. Around 54 movements, participates in "New youth" the magazine edition work, becomes "54" the New Culture Movement great standard-bearer. In 1930, Lu Xun participated in the China free motion big union successively, progress organization and so on the League of Left-Wing Writers' and Chinese civil rights safeguard. After at the beginning of 1936 "the Leftist Association" dismissed, responded the party the summons, positively participated in the literary world and the cultural circle against Japan nationality united front. On October 19, 1936 died of illness in Shanghai. In 1956, the party and the people's government migrated and has reconstructed the Lu Xun grave in Shanghai. Mao Zedong personally for Lu Xun grave inscription.
第3个回答  2006-12-23
Lu Xun died 65 years ago, but his literature and thought still receive great attention and his popularity appears unlikely to die out.

“His works do not belong only to one nation, but are of global value,'' Feng Tie, a Chinese scholar now living in Germany, told a recent international academic symposium on ``The World of Lu Xun and the Lu Xun of the World.''

Lu Xun, born in Shaoxing County in Zhejiang Province on September 25, 1881, was one of the country's greatest thinkers and man of letter in the 20th century. He died in 1936.

Lu wrote a number of literary classics, including ¨°The True Story of Ah Q,`` `A Madman's Diary,`` ``Kong Yiji'' and ``Medicine,'' which exposed the ugly side of human nature and emancipated people's minds.

When he was alive, his works stood out like a lighthouse, providing a guiding light for perplexed Chinese youths who were passionate about China's future, Xinhua news agency said.

After he passed away, Japanese found out from his works the strength to rejuvenate their country, which was shattered during World War II.

Over the past decades, thousands of experts and scholars around the world have studied his works from almost every possible angle, such as culture, psychology, arts, linguistics, the outlook of love and the attitude toward life.

In China, studies of Lu Xun have flourished into a special academic field, which holds such a position that it can be paralleled to that of the ¨Dream of the Red Mansion,`` which is one of the country's four classical literature masterpieces.

Lu Xun's works have been translated into such languages as English, Russian, German, and Korean and distributed throughout the world.
第4个回答  2006-12-23
Lu Xun introduces
Chinese modern great writer, thinker and revolutionary. Old name Zhou Shuren, character Henan talent, Zhejiang Shaoxing person. Was born in 1881. In 1902 went to Japan to study abroad, the original study medicine, latter was engaged in the literary and artistic work, attempted with by to change the national spirit. In May, 1918, first time used "Lu Xun" the pen name, published in the Chinese modern literature the first vernacular novel "Diary of a Madman", has established the new-vernacular literature movement cornerstone. Around 54 movements, participates in "New youth" the magazine edition work, becomes "54" the New Culture Movement great standard-bearer. In 1930, Lu Xun participated in the China free motion big union successively, progress organization and so on the League of Left-Wing Writers' and Chinese civil rights safeguard. After at the beginning of 1936 "the Leftist Association" dismissed, responded the party the summons, positively participated in the literary world and the cultural circle against Japan nationality united front. On October 19, 1936 died of illness in Shanghai. In 1956, the party and the people's government migrated and has reconstructed the Lu Xun grave in Shanghai. Mao Zedong personally for Lu Xun grave inscription.