

I was very excited yesterday as I took my Mom, for the first time, to an upper end restaurant to celebrate her birthday. it took me almost four months to plan this event. I started from saving any penny of my pocket money to pay for this dinner and worked on the best way to get my Mom to the restaurant without telling her the reason. Finally, I told my Mom that I wanted to invite my swimming coach to this restaurant to thank him for his constant effort to support me. Pleasantly, my Mom liked the idea and came to the restaurant with me.

After we were seated, I told my Mom that I lied but with a very good reason. I told her I wanted to surprise her and thank her for giving my life and loving me no matter what. I saw a smile crossing my Mom's face and tear rolling in her eyes. As a single Mom, it is not easy for her to support the family. She works extra hours and hardly spends any money on her own, while she always provides my needs as much as any other Mother does. I am not a trouble child but I certainly should have done better by studying more diligently and helping more at home. So I told my Mom that I would do better in the new school term and make her proud. My Mom held my hand and said:" Son, I am always proud of you. You are the best thing ever happened to me."

I wanted to order but my Mom insisted that she should order. Of course, I knew why. She ordered a few basic dishes with rice. "It is your birthday so we should have something fancy!" I cried out. Mom looked at追答

Mom looked at me and said being invited my her son for a birthday dinner was the best meal that anyone could ever dreamed off. Seeing her happy face made me so proud.
We Chartres through the entire dinner. My Mom told me a lot of stories about me. Some I remembered and some I didn't. I was even wondering if she made up some as they seemed too good to be true. It didn't matter. I truly enjoyed the stories. Finally, the birthday cake was brought up. " Make a wish mom." My Mom shut her eyes for a moment and looked at me again with joy. Though the birthday wish was not supposed to be told, I knew she was wish a better and happier life for our future.
It was almost 10 O'clock when we left the restaurant. My Mom thanked me again and told me that she had the best time ever. "So did I" I answered with my arm around hers, which I wouldn't normally do as a teenager young man. Happy Birthday Mom!

I was very excited yesterday as I took my Mom, for the first time, to an upper end restaurant to celebrate her birthday. it took me almost four months to plan this event. I started from saving any penny of my pocket money to pay for this dinner and worked on the best way to get my Mom to the restaurant without telling her the reason. Finally, I told my Mom that I wanted to invite my swimming coach to this restaurant to thank him for his constant effort to support me. Pleasantly, my Mom liked the idea and came to the restaurant with me.

After we were seated, I told my Mom that I lied but with a very good reason. I told her I wanted to surprise her and thank her for giving my life and loving me no matter what. I saw a smile crossing my Mom's face and tears rolling in her eyes. As a single Mom, it is not easy for her to support the family. She works extra hours and hardly spends any money on her own, while she always provides my needs as much as any other Mother does. I am not a trouble child but I certainly should have done better by studying more diligently and helping more at home. So I told my Mom that I would do better in the new school term and make her proud. My Mom held my hand and said:" Son, I am always proud of you. You are the best thing ever happened to me."

I wanted to order but my Mom insisted that she should order. Of course, I knew why. She ordered a few basic dishes with rice. "It is your birthday so we should have something fancy!" I cried out.

Mom looked at me and said being invited my her son for a birthday dinner was the best meal that anyone could ever dreamed of. Seeing her happy face made me so proud.
We Chatted through the entire dinner. My Mom told me a lot of stories about me. Some I remembered and some I didn't. I was even wondering if she made up some as they seemed too good to be true. It didn't matter. I truly enjoyed the stories. Finally, the birthday cake was brought up. " Make a wish mom." My Mom shut her eyes for a moment and looked at me again with joy. Though the birthday wish was not supposed to be told, I knew she was wishing a better and happier life for our future.
It was almost 10 O'clock when we left the restaurant. My Mom thanked me again and told me that she had the best time ever. "So did I" I answered with my arm around hers, which I wouldn't normally do as a teenager young man. Happy Birthday Mom!

