remember me 电影台词完整。。

是 每个人 的每一句 谢谢。。

第1个回答  2010-10-30
Charles: Could do worse than have a father who bails you out of jail.
Tyler: I don't wanna be bailed out of anything.

Tyler: Gandhi said that whatever you do in life will be insignificant. But it's very important that you do it. I tend to agree with the first part.

Tyler: Someone's been trying to tell me something. Make her yours forever, and I'm working on the forever part.

Ally Craig: My dad just doesn't know what's going on right now.
Tyler: What's going on right now?

Tyler: Yeah, I was wondering if you wanted to have dinner.
Charles: How many?
Tyler: Three.

Caroline Hawkins: Why do you think Dad doesn't wanna spend time with me?
Charles: She knows I'll take care of her.That's all there is, Tyler.
Tyler: 'That's all there is?' Not enough.

Tyler: He can stand me up, but he can't stand you up.

Aidan Hall: That's why chicks dig you, man. They love this freaky, poetic crap.

Neil Craig: You're kinda lost, aren't ya?
Tyler: You think you know me, but you don't.

Receptionist: You know you can't smoke in here.
Tyler: Why do you have an ashtray?
Receptionist: It's a bowl, it completes the room.
Tyler: I guess it was just here to tease me.

Aidan Hall: He's got a daughter.
Tyler: Whose gotta daughter?
Aidan Hall: The cop who busted your face all up. He's gotta daughter.
Tyler: I know her, she's in my Global Politics class.
Aidan Hall: Go get her.
Ally Craig: I... I don't date sociology majors.
Tyler: Lucky for I'm... I'm undecided.
Ally Craig: About what?
Tyler: Everything.